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What's The Best Time To Share Your #BestNine On Instagram? Whenever You Feel Like It

New year, new you. Except, when we ring in 2017 — whether it's at a a flashy nightclub or over quiet flutes of champagne for two — the #millennials of America will likely still be preoccupied with documenting the occasion on social media. Which won't be much of a deviation from all of 2016, so there is, of course, a useful tool to chronicle just how deep the obsession goes. The 2016BestNine app allows social media savvy users to show off their most popular Instagram posts of the year and to relive the artistic glory and sweet internet approval of the highlights. As the year draws to a close, anytime can be the best time to share your #BestNine on Instagram — unless you're posting strategically to optimize your likes, of course.

#BestNine made its debut at the end of 2015, giving Instagram aficionados the opportunity to determine which of their Instagram posts were most popular with their followers, as well as how many likes all of their photos racked up over those 12 months combined. And the process is just as simple this year, even if the dominant voices of popular culture have deemed 2016 a raging dumpster fire (hello, presidential election!). Simply open up the 2016BestNine website, enter the handle for any public Instagram account, and prepare to be regaled by a reminder of the best moments, not the worst.

In order to let your friends, family, and followers know which moments of your life they literally *liked* the most in 2016, first make sure that your Instagram account is set to public, or else the site can't access its contents. Once that's out of the way, the process is so simple you'll have it done before there's even time to document it. Type in your handle (or that of anyone whose objective internet popularity you're curious about) into the search bar, hit "GET," and viola. From there, with the literal click of a button, you can share the results on Facebook, Twitter, and the holy grail, Instagram.

You'll want to post before Jan. 1, for sure, but beyond that, the "when" is up to you. Go ahead and close this article and do it right now if you want to be a trendsetter; Hold off if you have a particularly photogenic event coming up on or before New Years Eve that's likely to bolster that like count.