
'The Flash' Season 4 Premiere Needs To Hurry Up Already
It's been a stressful season for Barry Allen and his Central City gang. Not only have they been forced to deal with the ramifications of Flashpoint, but they've also had Iris' impending death looming over their heads for months and months. And during last Tuesday's episode, that future seemed to finally (and tragically) come to pass. (Or did it?) I for one am not entirely convinced that this beloved character is gone for good, but either way I'm sure that The Flash is bound to leave things on a cliffhanger at the end of Season 3, which will make many wonder: when does The Flash Season 4 premiere? The series has already been renewed for a fourth installment, so it's not so much a worry of if it will return but rather when it will happen.
As of now, no official premiere date has been announced by The CW, so it's difficult to say when it will be back with absolute certainty. That being said, the network has released its fall schedule for 2017, which reveals that the series will maintain its usual time slot on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET. Additionally, it's also worth noting that The Flash has premiered in early October for all three of its seasons on the air. So odds are, the show will keep with that tradition and debut Season 4 on either Oct. 3 or Oct. 10 later this year.
Granted, this is just a general prediction on my part. The CW could decide to kick things off a little earlier this year for whatever reason. But if things go as they normally do, an October return is our most likely bet. I'm not going to lie though — that seems extremely far away at this point in time. That leaves us with over five months of absolutely no Barry Allen or Central City.
In my opinion, The Flash is one of the strongest CW superhero shows out there, incorporating action-packed storylines with strong character development. It's odd for me to like every single character on a show and yet I do for this. There isn't one person I could go without, which makes me all the more desperate to find out what happens next. Is Iris somehow still alive even though we legit just saw her get stabbed to death by Savitar? Part of me has to believe it's a fake out or some sort. Maybe there's a way to bring her back? Will Barry go back in time (yet again) to try and save her? Was it actually a different character just pretending to be Iris? (Those cool gadget things we saw Barry use earlier in the episode allow them to look like anyone so it's definitely possible!)
Maybe H.R. was tired of feeling useless to the team and decided to make Iris' fate his own without anyone else realizing it. Of course, this is just a feeling, but H.R.'s story arc last week makes me suspicious that something might be up. We'll find out soon enough during Tuesday's finale. But either way, the series is sure to leave us with some sort of jaw-dropping cliffhanger that'll make us wish October would hurry up and get here already.