
'Long Island Medium's Thersea & Larry Caputo Are Spending Some Time Apart
Long Island Medium fans were shocked to learn that the titular medium, Theresa Caputo, and her husband Larry were splitting as of last December. According to them, they're now living apart. So where does Larry Caputo live now? Theresa's husband clearly needed time away.
The Caputos announced their separation last December, prior to the finale of Long Island Medium's eleventh season. "After 28 years of marriage, we have decided to legally separate," the joint statement read. "We will always love each other and our two wonderful children. We are united in supporting each other and our family. Please respect our privacy during this time."
Seeing as they were married so long — long before Long Island Medium became a national phenomenon, anyway — how did Theresa and Larry meet? Did she have a premonition? Well, not quite, but she met with someone who did. Theresa detailed how she and Larry met in her book, There's More to Life Than This.
Two years before she met Larry, Theresa went to a psychic who told her she'd meet someone older and with a mustache. She was skeptical, even though being a medium was her thing, because she didn't like facial hair. Well, Theresa met Larry while she was working as a customer service representative for his family's oil company and as luck would have it: he was 11 years older than her and had a mustache (and a mullet, because it was the 1980s). The pair married two years after that and had two kids: Larry Jr. and Victoria.
Unfortunately, though, the pair decided to take some time apart. While they have not announced an actual divorce, they are legally separated. The difference is that a legal separation means they are no longer together, but they're still legally married; a divorce, naturally, ends the marriage. According to several sources, Theresa and Larry Caputo are living on opposite coasts. Theresa is in New York (which makes sense, given the show's name), while Larry is now in Los Angeles.
Larry's last Instagram photo is from July of last year — months before the separation announcement — so he's not one for social media. Larry did, however, reveal his feelings about his marriage on Long Island Medium. In an episode that aired the day after the announcement, he opened up about his troubles to his friend Danny, saying:
We’re having a difficult time... I think a lot of the frustration has to do with us not spending the time together anymore. Along with that comes the lack of communication so it’s like losing your best friend. It’s hard.
It seems that it wasn't one incident that caused the separation, but rather frustration built over time. Larry revealed that their therapist suggested time apart as well. There was a growing tension in their relationship that he couldn't ignore anymore. "As much as I try to busy myself so I’m not thinking about it, it’s still there," he told Danny. "I know it’s very trying for both of us. I don’t want to make it just about me. I know it’s the same for Theresa also."
Now it's months later and a new season of Long Island Medium is underway, but the separation is still in the forefront. In a recent interview with Paper, Theresa discussed the difficulty about showing her marriage on television. "From the day I signed up to do Long Island along with my entire family, we said that we were going to share our life," she said. While that's proven to be hard — and may be why their marriage was under strain — she's glad that she was able to help people by being real. "What I am doing is helping people," she added.
While it may be devastating for fans to watch, the devastation Larry and Theresa must be feeling is certainly worse. For now, there's nothing that fans can do but support the two as they figure out what's best for them.