

Will Getting Waxed Make Me Go Into Labor?

by Lindsay E. Mack

Why would anyone worry about getting waxed before having a baby? Well, some women may feel more comfortable preparing for the big event by following their usual beauty regime. After all, it's OK to feel a bit self-conscious about putting everything on display, so anything that helps make the prospect of delivery more palatable is okay. But what are the risks of getting a Brazilian when you’re approaching the 40-week mark? And will getting waxed make you go into labor? Because a crowning baby is probably the only thing your waxing technician hasn’t seen.

On the other hand, if you would rather do literally anything other than get waxed at this time in your life, then that is a perfectly valid choice as well. No one in the delivery room will give the state of your maintenance a second thought, so feel free to do as much — or as little — grooming as you please. This is 100 percent up to you.

So will that Brazilian induce labor? Probably not. “There are no proven non-medical ways for inducing labor naturally," New York midwife Elizabeth Stein, CNM, told WebMD. But there are still some potential risks and benefits of keeping your standing appointment with the wax technician in the latter stages of pregnancy.

Although the American Pregnancy Association (APA) suggests women check with a health care provider before waxing, the organization does not specifically recommend women avoid waxing altogether while pregnant. The APA does note that your skin may be more sensitive because of pregnancy, and recommends using an antiseptic lotion before and after the wax job to help lessen any pain. Maintaining good communication with your esthetician and taking a break if necessary is also a good idea.

The Mayo Clinic, on the other hand, laments the lack of research concerning beauty routines and safe pregnancies. The site advocates common sense in these arenas. "Getting a wax or a manicure won't put baby directly in harm's way, but a subsequent skin infection could pose risks," said Julie A. Lamppa, C.N.M., R.N., for the Mayo Clinic. Making certain your salon adheres to safety guidelines is one way to mitigate this risk for infection, but opting out of wax jobs altogether is the only way to avoid the risk completely.

Again, this is a personal choice that depends on your own comfort level. Keep in mind that having a bit of hair down there is completely natural and poses no risks whatsoever.