2019 Is Going To Be A Bit Of A Bumpy Ride For The Laser-Focused Capricorn
The start of a new year means it's Capricorn season, and it looks like it's going to be a busy one for those of you born under the sign of the ram. Your Capricorn 2019 horoscope is all about changes and transformations that improve your life for the better in the year ahead.
I have a feeling you'll be setting lots of New Year's resolutions, because according to, Capricorns are an ambitious lot that enjoy accomplishing their goals and checking items off their to-do list. 2019 will see you buckle down and get serious about improving many different areas of your life. explained that your ruling planet, Saturn, will continue to move through Capricorn this year and make you laser-focused on your commitments. That could pertain to your career, where you might decide to take on new projects that earn you a reputation as an office rockstar, or to your love life, where you might decide to move in with or even get married to your partner.
On the flip-side, in email to Romper, astrologer Maressa Brown notes that there could be some relationship shake ups for Capricorns in store come the summer. "On July 2, a solar eclipse in Cancer and their partnership zone will lead to dramatic change related to an ongoing relationship," Brown explains. In fact, it could be a tumultuous couple of weeks. "A full moon eclipse on July 16 in Capricorn will be a dramatic time of endings," she says.
It seems to indicate that if you’re feeling trapped in a relationship that isn’t meeting your needs, 2019 is the year you’ll find the courage to walk away, according to Astrofame. While leaving a partner is never easy, you may take some solace in the fact that single Capricorns might not stay that way for long, as the odds of meeting someone you're much more compatible with are good.
Capricorns with kids might see them become more independent this year, explained Cafe Astrology, perhaps even leaving the nest to strike out on their own if they're old enough. That'll leave you with more time to yourself, which you might want to spend on pursuing new interests of your own, or doing some self-care. If you've had a difficult relationship with a female relative such as your mother or a daughter, Astrostyle noted that, you'll stop wasting your time this year on trying to change them and start accepting them for who they are — and you'll both be better off for it.
While Capricorns are known for being hard-working and serious, it's important to take time to let your hair down a bit this year according to You'll be able to tap into some playful energy in 2019, which lets you drop your normally stern facade and enjoy some freedom from your responsibilities come the fall.
With your natural tendency toward being a bit of a workaholic, Indastro warned that you should make it a point to find time for fitness this year. Working out can obviously have a positive impact on your physical health, and it can also do wonders for your mental health, too. A trip to the gym or a jog through a neighborhood can help you blow off steam, and alleviate some of the pressure you put on yourself to succeed in everything you do.
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