
Courtesy of Caroline Wurtzel/Romper
Your Weekly Parenting Horoscope for July 10-16

by Maressa Brown

It's true: Your zodiac sign can offer insight into plenty of random moments in your everyday life, from how you can best tackle your toddler's worst tantrums to identifying your career goals. Romper partnered with astrologer Maressa Brown to share how you can make what's going on up in the sky work for you and score even more bliss and balance in your day-to-day. Here's your weekly horoscope for July 10-16.

If last week was filled with drama and emotional land mines, you're in for a breather during this astrologically quiet week. OK, now for the annoying news: The biggest planetary move of the week is transformative Pluto (which is currently in workaholic Capricorn) opposing the sun (which is currently in maternal Cancer). This aspect might feel aggravating and could trigger power struggles—maybe with your boss over flex time or your partner over a child care issue—through Monday.

On Friday, Mercury, the planet of communication, forms a stressful aspect to dreamy Neptune, which tends to cloud rational thought, so conversations could get muddled, making it a friggin' pain to nail down concrete facts. If you're more confused than anything, you might do well to put off a big decision.

Read more below to find out what this week's forecast means for your sign.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

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On Monday, don't be surprised if your boss blows up your plan to ditch work a little early to pick up your L.O. from daycare, or if the sitter falls through at the last minute. Transformative Pluto is opposing the sun in your fourth house of family life, throwing your work-life balance out of whack. You'll be tempted to lose your sh*t, but do your best to remain patient and think on your feet.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

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On Friday, you might be majorly annoyed by a friend's texts or calls when communicator Mercury in your fourth house of home life forms an annoying angle to confusing Neptune. (Like maybe your MIL is driving you nuts with mind-boggling Qs about watching the baby this weekend?) Venting to your partner or friends can help you keep your head from exploding.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Courtesy of Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Jump on that brilliant pitch you've been keeping in your back pocket or that job you've been waiting to apply for on Thursday. The moon in your tenth house of career is forming a positive angle to artistic Venus in your sign, which has you feeling even more creative than usual. Sharing that warm, fuzzy glow from your professional progress with your bae and kiddo will make your success even more enjoyable.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

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You might feel even more stressed by your to-dos than usual on Friday, when the sun in your sign forms an annoying angle to taskmaster Saturn in your sixth house of daily routines. (You're like, how is that even possible?) But it might actually be more of an internal anxiety issue that's driving your uneasiness. Prioritizing a quickie time-out (even a quick walk around the block with your L.O. and the dog) could have you feeling more centered stat.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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If you've been putting off that tough convo with your boss about changing up your schedule, you may have no choice but to just do it around Monday. The sun in your sixth house of daily routines is opposing transformative Pluto, giving you little choice in the matter. The good news is that once you just freakin' TCB, you'll probably feel more relieved.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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On Tuesday, see what you can do to get the ball rolling on that side hustle you've been mulling over. The moon forms a positive angle to big picture Jupiter in your second house of income, giving you a burst of confidence and financial luck. Dedicating even just a tiny chunk of time to your project (like an hour a week when your partner takes the L.O. to a class) could lead to a seriously fulfilling reward.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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You might struggle to hit a deadline and/or want to pull your hair out when your child care plan goes awry around Monday, when transformative Pluto in your fourth house of home life opposes the sun. It may not seem like it in the moment, of course, but getting to the root of the problem (like having a one-on-one meeting with higher-ups) can preempt a lot more aggravation down the road.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

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You might feel like you're just not in the right headspace to get it on with your partner on Thursday, when the moon forms a negative angle to the planet of love, Venus, in your eighth house of sexual intimacy. At the same time, once the L.O. is asleep, you might feel like you could use that one-on-one time, but finding another way to feel close to each other might be even more fulfilling.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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You and your bae could struggle to see eye-to-eye on a money matter around Monday, when the sun opposes transformative Pluto in your second house of income. Emotions could be running high, and that's totally fair. But when things eventually cool off, you'll be motivated to figure out a workable, pragmatic solution — ideally, as a team.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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If you've been feeling like your partner hasn't been carrying his or her weight, you could be compelled to blow up at them around Monday. Transformative Pluto in your sign opposes the sun in your seventh house of partnership, and the theme song of the day is basically Halsey's "Now or Never." Get this frustrating but oh-so-necessary convo out of the way, and you'll be able to move forward.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

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Discussing a money matter with your partner could leave you feeling on-edge on Friday, thanks to communicator Mercury in your seventh house of partnership forming an annoying angle to confusing Neptune in your second house of income. You might want to get all your ducks in a row RN, but it's possible that holding off until you have more clarity will actually make for less stress in the long-run.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Courtesy of Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Everyday experiences at home (like playing with your toddler) could actually inspire a creative brainstorm on Thursday, when the moon in your sign forms a positive angle to artistic Venus in your fourth house of home life. Even if it's not something you usually do, you may feel like writing a poem, painting, or drawing—maybe alongside your L.O. Go with it, and you might just surprise yourself, mama!