
Courtesy of Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Your Weekly Parenting Horoscope For May 22-28

by Maressa Brown

It's true: Your zodiac sign can offer insight into plenty of random moments in your everyday life, from how you can best tackle your toddler's worst tantrums to identifying your career goals. Romper partnered with astrologer Maressa Brown to share how you can put what's going on up in the sky to work for you and score even more bliss and balance in your day-to-day. Here's your weekly parenting horoscope for May 22-28.

It's almost Memorial Day weekend, and the planets are lining up to kick off summer right! Well, for the most part. The big headline of the week is the new moon in Gemini on Thursday, May 25. This will not only be the perfect time to have important conversations, but it should also lend a super-social vibe that makes it easier to find time to get your BBQ on and drink all the wine with friends and family.

But you'll also need to watch out that same day for power struggles with your partner or relatives who are acting like control freaks, thanks to a negative aspect between emotional Venus and domineering Pluto.

Read more below to find out what this week's forecast means for your sign.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Courtesy of Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Prepare to butt heads with a higher-up on Thursday when the planet of love, Venus, in your sign forms a tough angle to control freak Pluto in your tenth house of career. You're gonna wanna fight it out, but be honest: you really just want to wrap it up, so you can go enjoy the holiday weekend with your L.O. So make your point and then, see how it plays out.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

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If you've been thinking of starting your own business or going in on a big investment plan with your partner or a friend, take a leap of faith around Thursday. The new moon will be lighting up your second house of income, making it possible for dollar signs to flow even more freely. You could find that those once idealistic daydreams of adding to your kiddo's college fund actually aren't so crazy!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

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On Thursday, when the new moon is in your sign, it's time to really go for that big picture personal goal, like trying for another L.O. or getting back into a steady workout routine. TBH, you're usually kind of all over the place, but right now, you have a kickass, razor-sharp vision and the energy to get the ball rolling in a big way. It's all happening!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

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Sorry, mama, but no matter how meticulously you've planned your Memorial Day weekend, all hell could break loose at home on Sunday. That's because aggressive Mars opposes taskmaster Saturn in your sixth house of daily routine, and you're just so overwhelmed that something has got to give. All you'll want to do is get your pumping done or take a damn shower and get back in bed, but the day will not permit it. Take deep breaths — this will pass!

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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Even if you're exhausted, you should totally go to that happy hour with your fave fellow moms or colleagues around Thursday, when the new moon is in your eleventh house of networking. Not only will bonding time do wonders for your general morale, but your relationships should get a happy boost, too.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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Be honest: You have a perfect vision in mind for how you want a date night or scheduled sex sesh with your bae to go down. But on Thursday, when the planet of love, Venus, in your eighth house of sexual intimacy squares off with Pluto, trying to take the bull by the horns could really backfire. Opt to go with the flow (and reschedule the sitter, if need be).

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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You've totally been daydreaming about planning that long-distance trip (Disney? London? Whatever!) with your L.O. and partner, and around Thursday, when the new moon is in your ninth house of adventure, it's time to pull the trigger. Sure, you're bound to get a bit hung up on certain logistics (like how painful that flight is gonna be if your baby starts losing her sh*t), but you're so motivated to make it happen, you totally will.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

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Getting laid — specifically, wanting to feel closer to your partner, physically and emotionally — will be on your brain in a major way around Thursday, when the new moon is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy. Even if you're not able to get it on right away, thanks to a needy toddler or miscommunication with the sitter, starting a convo with your bae about your desire gets things moving in a majorly hot direction.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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You and your partner may clash over a stressful situation on Sunday, when go-getter Mars opposes taskmaster Saturn in your sign. Maybe you're totally against leaving the L.O. with your in-laws, or you have differing views on how to discipline your big kid. But ultimately, this frickin' headache may allow you to learn more about one another as parents and bolster your partnership.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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That long holiday weekend you've been planning for a while might not come together the way you envisioned — at least not immediately. Because on Thursday, Venus in your fourth house of home life forms a negative angle to Pluto in your sign. The more you push for everyone to get behind the plan, the more it'll feel like pulling teeth, but hey, you never know — throwing up your hands and giving in could actually lead to an even more fun time.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

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You're sure to be torn between wanting to just have a casual holiday weekend with the family, and feeling like you need to get some serious work done. This reaches a fever pitch on Sunday ,when aggressive Mars in your fifth house of fun opposes hard lesson-teaching Saturn. Just keep reminding yourself that you can achieve your professional goals and have a chill time. Just know you're your own most demanding taskmaster.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

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Around Thursday, when the new moon is in your fourth house of family life, it's the perfect time to start having conversations with your bae about working on your L.O.'s big kid bedroom or tackling some other daunting home project. Take some concrete action now. With your creativity and teamwork at an all-time high, you have the potential to really kick ass on anything you envision right now. Own it, mama!