
Your Weekly Parenting Horoscope For May 8-14
It's true: Your zodiac sign can offer insight into plenty of random moments in your everyday life, from how you can best tackle your toddler's worst tantrums to identifying your career goals. Romper partnered with astrologer Maressa Brown to share how you can put what's going on up in the sky to work for you and score even more bliss and balance in your day-to-day. Here's your weekly parenting horoscope for May 8-14.
Thanks to a full moon in intense Scorpio on Wednesday, you're likely to accomplish some major personal goals this week. You also might encounter some eyebrow-raising drama. Thankfully, the latter could lead to positive change. Sunday, May 14, is Mother's Day (which should really be every freakin' day, obvi), but the planets aren't exactly lined up for the most free-spirited celebration, because the moon will be in stoic, workaholic, traditional Capricorn. Try to roll with the punches if your plans for celebrating deviate off-course.
Read more below to find out what this week's forecast means for your sign.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
On Wednesday, you could find yourself connecting with your partner on a whole new level, when the full moon is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy. OK, sure, maybe you haven't changed out of those sweatpants in three days, or you're leaking milk because you're breastfeeding, but even the stuff that you think is unsexy is attractive to your partner right now—and could make for an even better bang sesh.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
On Tuesday, you could find yourself inspired to pursue an exciting personal goal, like planning a long-distance vacay with your bae or joining a political activism group. That's when the sun in your sign forms a positive angle to transformative Pluto in your ninth house of adventure. If you spend a few minutes Googling the details, you might be able to get the ball rolling, which can have you feeling all sorts of psyched.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
On Thursday, when go-getter Mars in your sign forms a negative angle to mystical Neptune in your tenth house of career, you might be getting mixed messages from higher-ups around a work project, which will kiiinda make you feel like pulling your hair out. Take deep breaths, mama. Sneaking in a quickie with your partner or just getting in downtime with your kid over the weekend will help you destress.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Don't be surprised if you're horny as hell around Wednesday, when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance. Of course you're torn between doing all of the things — feedings, cleaning, that work deadline that's hanging over your head —, but you can and should totally take a time-out to do you...or your partner. You could come back to that massive to-do list with a whole new, ridiculously upbeat perspective.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Whoo! A major family goal (like getting your big kid into that preschool you've been eyeing, or a big pink plus sign on that pregnancy test) could come to fruition around Wednesday, when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life. Even if it's just a hint of something bigger to come, you're definitely allowed to celebrate instead of getting bogged down in the details. Get it, mama.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
If you're feeling confident about your relationship, you may decide to move forward in a significant way (like talking about baby #2 or planning a wedding) on Tuesday, when the sun forms a positive angle to transformative Pluto in your fifth house of romance. Even though the subject at hand is weighty, you'll be feeling lighthearted and maybe even a bit blissed out. Of course, your tendency is to overthink it, but the more you lead with your heart, the better off you'll be right now. You're allowed to enjoy yourself!
Libra (September 23-October 22)
If you've been mulling over a lucrative side hustle, expect movement in the right direction around Wednesday. That's when the full moon is in your second house of income, and you're primed to get some kind of positive financial news. Sweet. When the check rolls in, you'll daydream about running straight to Sephora or the spa, but you should probably put it in your kid's college fund instead.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You should feel like a big project you've been working on is coming to its natural conclusion around Wednesday, when the full moon is in your sign. You might be feeling all business-y about it, but you definitely deserve to give yourself props, mama. Once all of your hard work is done, by all means, uncork that rosé with your partner or friends.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
You could have a totally unexpected convo with your partner on Tuesday, when communicator Mercury pairs up with game-changer Uranus in your fifth house of romance. Fingers crossed it's a steamy sexting session, but there's also a chance it's a fiery debate over a controversial topic, like how your MIL handles the baby's schedule. Ugh. Either way, the intensity of the moment shouldn't last long, and you'll get back to the usual routine (for better or worse) ASAP.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
On Mother's Day, you could be aggravated by visiting relatives. What's more, the moon in your sign will form a negative angle to the planet of love Venus in your fourth house of family life, so some sort of relationship headache is inevitable. But hey, what's new? Do what you can to embrace the weird and the fact that every family is dysfunctional in its own way.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
You could have a powerful visualization of your home life goals on Tuesday, when the sun in your fourth house of family forms a positive angle to transformative Pluto. Maybe you feel like it's time to put a down payment on a new place, or you want to discuss new coparenting rules with your ex. Whatever the case, trust your gut and heart to help you take that next step.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Sure, you'd prefer to keep it mellow around Mother's Day, but you might be the recipient of game-changing news this week — particularly around Wednesday, when the full moon is in your ninth house of adventure. You could be sent off on a random work trip or see your application approved for a cool professional opportunity. Once you've done your thing, chilling with your L.O., partner, and other family members could feel even more awesome.