
A Dad Got Stuck In A Bathroom On A Delta Flight & His Wife Shared Her Side Of The Story
The mom of two thought he was taking a long break from their kids.
Getting stuck in a bathroom on an airplane. Just imagine it for a moment. Imagine being locked into that tiny little cubicle where everyone is doing their business in the sky and not being able to escape. For 35 whole minutes. Now imagine what it must have been like for the dad of two who actually had this happen on a Delta flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans. His wife shared the backstory behind the incident, and if you thought it was bad before... prepare to feel even worse for this poor guy.
A Reddit user took to the Delta sub-Reddit forum to share a wild story that recently took place with her husband on a flight. “On a recent Delta Air Lines flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans, my husband, Brent, got up to use the bathroom, leaving me, my four year old and two year old in our row. No big deal, I knew I’d get my help with our two toddlers back in a jiffy.” In other words, this dad of two was on the clock and needed to get back to his seat quick, which did not happen.
“After 5 minutes, I wondered what was going on. Was he using this time as a much-needed break from my children’s whiney demands and frequent tantrums?” the mom of two wrote, and after 10 minutes, she admitted that she and the children were really starting to wonder what was going on. That’s when she heard a flight attendant say someone was “stuck” in the bathroom and it all clicked. He wasn’t hiding out to avoid dealing with the kids on a flight. He was fully stuck in, as she called it, “a 3.5 x 5ft pee and poop box for almost a half hour.” Which turned into 35 minutes as flight attendants attempted to free him from the bathroom.
“Next up to try his luck, and I kid you not, was THE PILOT. Don’t ask me who was flying the plane LOL,” the Reddit user continued. “I think they may have needed his permission to potentially damage the door to get Brent out. The pilot was really giving it his all, as you can see in the videos. But it wasn’t until Brent kicked the hell out of the door while the pilot was pulling as hard as possible that Brent finally made his escape.” The poster went on to express relief that her husband had been in there alone and had not brought their 4-year-old with him. Because that would have been much tougher.
Although be honest moms out there, raise your hands if you’re relieved that Brent is free so he can now go back to managing his two kids with his wife on that plane. Because we know that’s how we would be feeling.