
Creamy lemonade is just one refreshing lemon drink.
Sofya Bolotina / 500px/500Px Plus/Getty Images

Refreshing Creamy Lemonade & More Lemon Drinks

The delightful concoction has gone viral for good reason.

Marcia Sato / 500px/500Px Plus/Getty Images

From the TikTok trending creamy lemonade to recipes featuring various fruits and herbs, these lemonade recipes taste like summer in a glass.

Hendey, Magdalena/Foodcollection/Getty Images

This recipe from Real Simple creates a tangy, creamy lemonade like the one that went viral on TikTok. Simply mix six lemons, five cups of water, and one 14-ounce can of sweetened condensed milk in a large pitcher with a whisk and serve.
