
baby girl

From Killer Immune Systems To Good Manners, March Babies Have It All

And then some.

by Caroline Shannon-Karasik and Grace Gallagher
Originally Published: 

After months of daydreaming about what your baby will look and be like, if you’re due in March, it’s finally time to find out some answers. But if you just can’t make it through the final weeks without knowing more about your newborn (4o weeks is a long time) you may want to check out these reasons why March babies are special. From giving the best hugs, to having strong immune systems, and maybe even one day being a badass boss or CEO, there could be some pretty cool things in store for your baby.

Maybe I’m biased but as a Pisces, I like to think those born in March are a pretty awesome, dare I say badass crew (I, for one, own a leather jacket).

Born at the cusp of winter and spring when we gain an extra hour of daylight and the first flowers start to bloom, March is a time of refreshing new beginnings (and as it turns out, often babies born this time of year have some of that sunny optimism). Beyond sharing the same zodiac sign (Pisces or Aries), March babies share some special and sometimes even science-backed characteristics.

Read on to see what your little March-born baby might bring to the table. Regardless, they're bound to be uniquely amazing.


They Are Born Warriors

StefaNikolic/E+/Getty Images

March was named for the Latin Martius. You might know him as Mars, the Roman God of war and a mythical ancestor of the Roman people, according to Reader's Digest. “With the winter frosts melting and the ground becoming fertile for harvest again in the Northern hemisphere, March was historically the perfect month for both farmers to resume farming, and warriors to resume warring," the magazine noted. It was also originally the first month of the Roman calendar. I think it's safe to say you might have a little warrior on your hands.


They Have Instincts That Slay

Strong intuition is one of the most badass qualities to have as it allows you to decide what’s right and wrong for your unique situation.

That's why it's pretty awesome that March babies are known for leaning on their intuition. “"It’s practically impossible to deceive them," noted So with their strong intuition in mind, you can teach your March child to listen to that little voice in their gut.


They Bring All The Positive Vibes

March babies are generally optimistic and happy, according to Red Tricycle, which is good news. The magazine noted that the springing of spring and its warmer weather and blooming flowers seems to add a general sunniness to March kids' personalities.


They Keep Good Company

If you are due in March and curious about what your babe's future may bring, then look no further than this kick ass lineup: Lady Gaga, Kesha, Ron Howard, Jessica Biel, Catherine O’Hara, Albert Einstein, Mariah Carey, Jean Harlow, Vincent van Gogh, and tons of other positive role models were all born in March.


They Give The Best Hugs

Jaroon Ittiwannapong / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images

A lot of March babies fall under the Pisces zodiac sign, which means they are prone to “an immense amount of understanding and compassion toward others," Elephant Journal noted. “They feel as though they have walked in the shoes of others for long enough to understand them." Because who said empathy wasn't a superpower?


They Mind Their Manners

It might seem like this one falls outside of the realm of badass-ery, but if you've ever been in a boardroom with a well-behaved change maker, then you know they get sh*t done. Queensland University researchers took a look at a group of 4- and 5-year-old kids and assessed everything from consideration of others to fidgeting, according to CafeMom. The end result? Winter babies were better behaved.


They Have Killer Immune Systems

Babies born in the fall months are at higher risk of developing allergies, according to research from National Jewish Health. The theory behind this is that some allergic conditions may start with dry, cracked skin that’s common in the fall and winter (cue the kids’ moisturizers ). Asthma and allergies are also less common among spring babies, so hopefully you little one won’t have to hide from pollen and dust mites.


They May Be A Future CEO

Your March baby may grow up to be a CEO and that’s pretty badass. Of 375 CEOs, one study found that 12.5% of them were born in March (the highest percentage of any month). This could be because in schools with January 1 cut-offs, March kids are typically among the oldest in their class, leading to natural leadership tendencies.

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