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The Internet Has Feelings About Ivanka Trump's Dancing

by Jen McGuire

It's been a rough week for Americans. Republicans, with the full support of President Donald Trump, managed to narrowly push an Obamacare replacement health care bill, the American Health Care Act, through the House of Representatives. As they overtly celebrated on the grounds of the White House, millions of Americans were left wondering what the future of their own health care would look like. And the president's daughter Ivanka Trump danced with her sons in a throwback video she shared to promote her new book, Women Who Work. Perhaps a little sensitivity training wouldn't go amiss here.

The video is cute enough, of course. It's clearly, rather painfully staged, which makes it especially awkward. But hey, that's social media for you. I'm not going to criticize her as a mother because that's her business. But that's really the point, isn't it? It's her business she's promoting. And this video struck an incredibly uncomfortable chord with many women, particularly in the wake of the health care bill vote on Thursday. Trump has branded herself as a feminist, as a woman who wants to empower other women. A woman who wants to empower working mothers especially. For her to share a video of herself merrily dancing when millions of American women are concerned for the future of their health care is not just insensitive, it's incredibly out of touch.

Trump captioned the throwback video:

Little moments matter, especially for working moms!! #TBT to an after-work dance party with my boys. @WorkingMother magazine outlined 10 additional things I have to say about motherhood in my #WomenWhoWorkBook.

The video has since gone viral, with over a million views. But Trump shouldn't celebrate just yet. Because the internet was none too happy about it.

One Instagram user commented:

What about the millions of mothers that won't be able to dance with their kids because they are ill, ill because the WH's Gang of Thieves took away their healthcare? Does that keep you awake at night with worry? I thought not.

While another wrote:

This is so awkward and painful to watch I can't believe that someone whose entire life is manufactured would post it.

Ivanka Trump is not technically a politician (although she does hold a rather murky "adviser" position of authority in the White House that should give Americans pause). The vote to pass the AHCA through the House was not made by Trump, so why should it bother people that she seems so disinterested and unaffected?

Because the AHCA, as Fortune noted, would be especially awful for women. For rape victims (as rape would be considered a pre-existing condition), for poor women, for pregnant women. And for mothers, Ivanka Trump's target market. She continues to brand herself as a sort of guru to working mothers, painting herself as an ideal. A beautiful, kind, empowered women who is looking out for other women.

This video is a sad reminder that Ivanka Trump has no clue what's happening to women, to her fan base. Because real women are so far removed from Trump, they are nothing but specks on the horizon.

But hey, she looked cute with her kids. So that's something.