
11 Qualities Of An Amazing Dad

by Glynis Ratcliffe

Finding an amazing partner is one thing. Finding an amazing partner who will also make a good dad is something entirely different. It's nothing against your SO, but some people just aren't meant to be parents or don't want to be. So if your looking for a SO who can also play double duty as a co-parent, it's important to look out for the qualities of an amazing dad right off the bat. Because you don't want to realize they aren't father material after the fact.

I know that I'm personally lucky to have the partner I do. He has been taking my daughter on "adventures" twice a month since she was old enough to walk. The bond that they share is wonderful, and it takes the strain off of me always being the go-to. Now that we have a son as well, he does the same thing with him. That one-on-one time is so important for everyone.

Although I think my partner is one in a million, finding someone who will make a great dad isn't as rare as you may think. Great dads are everywhere, and they're involved, attentive and loving parents that are committed to being an active part of the parenting team. So whether you're searching for the future father of your children or want to reaffirm that your partner is a great dad, here are 11 traits that make a dad seriously amazing.

1He's Willing To Compromise

Sometimes, you just need to do things you weren't ever planning on doing, as a parent. Maybe one of you started out only wanting to feed your kids organic food, and the other didn't care as much. Psychology Today noted that a good partner is willing to compromise for the sake of your kids., so pay attention to how he handles negotiations.

2He's Aware Of The Impact Of His Words And Actions On His Kids' Body Image

According to Psychology Today, a great dad can positively impact their children's self-worth by celebrating their strengths and non-physical attributes through words and actions. If he handles you and the people around him with care, then chances are he'll do the same to your kids.

3He's A Great Role Model

Great dads provide an example of strength and power for their kids, regardless of whether they're boys or girls. That's not to say that moms can't do this as well, but it's a role that fathers are traditionally believed to have.

4He's Willing To Share Household Duties

his willingness to clean the bathroom is great for a number of a reasons. A study conducted at the University of British Columbia showed that when dads take on more chores around the house, their daughters are more likely to be interested in working outside the home.

5He's Involved

While the effects are only starting to be studied, the American Psychological Association (APA) noted that growing trend of dads being more involved in their children's lives seems to have an overwhelmingly positive effect.

6He's Able To Manage His Own Stress Effectively

This relates back to being a role model for kids, but the APA found that when a dad is able to manage stress through positive outlets like being active and eating healthy, he provides a great example to his children on how to cope with stress in the future.

7He Treats Women With Respect

Whether he has sons or daughters, a father who treats women with respect, especially his partner, gives his children a positive example of how women deserve to be treated, according to psychologist Mark Banschick.

8He Takes An Active Role In His Kids' Lives

According to a recent study in the Journal of Family Psychology, a father's level of engagement in his teen's life can directly affect their behavior and tendency to act out.

9He Plays

According to Psychology Today, when dads play with their kids, they are actually encouraging their physical development.

10He Believes In His Kids

A supportive father can greatly impact his kids' confidence, in whatever they do. This seems pretty obvious, but is worth reiterating.

11He Spends Time With His Kids

A dad who makes the time to do things with his kids everyday is showing them that they're important and loved.