There are almost certainly things about you or things that you do that you think are, well, let's say less than sexy. It's not that you think you're the grossest or the ugliest or anything like that, it's just that you are more than sex appeal. There are still workouts to power through, bodily functions to deal with, and other things to grapple with that can get in the way of feeling the "hottest" sometimes, you know? What you may not have considered, however, is that there are plenty of weird things that you think are unsexy, but men find really hot. Or, maybe you don't find them unsexy, but they're certainly not things you think of as definitely sexy — they just don't carry a whole lot of weight on the sexy scale in either direction. Some men, however, find them pretty attractive, regardless of your feelings on the subject.
From body parts that many people would feel aren't their best, to activities that aren't so sexy, to overall looks that exude comfort over sex appeal, some of the things that men find really hot just might surprise you. Embrace you: your personality, your traits, your life — it doesn't matter what men find attractive, but it's still interesting (and surprising) to find that some of these things can do the trick.
You might not feel that you're at your prettiest or sexiest when sweating like a pig during a workout (I know I don't), but, according to Cosmopolitan, some men find a little bit of sweat to be very attractive. You think you're a mess, but they think it's hot.
What? Ovulation is sexy? If you're trying to get pregnant, for instance, it might be, but what about the rest of the time? It's probably not something you think is just inherently hot. You might be surprised to learn, then, that men find women more attractive when they're ovulating. According to ABC News, researchers at the University of Texas in Austin found that men find an ovulating woman's scent more pleasant than at other times of the month. Weird, right?
3Messy Hair
Your hair is a mess with a capital M because you walked through a wind tunnel on your way home from work or you went to a hot yoga class or maybe you just woke up after a long, restful night's sleep. According to the previously mentioned Cosmopolitan article, some men find messy hair sexy. Whether you tried so hard to perfect that messy bun or it happened that way by accident, guys find it hot.
4Eating Messy Meals
You might think you'll be embarrassed if you eat a messy burger or plate of spaghetti while on a date, especially if you haven't been together that long, but, according to Glamour, some men find a woman eating messy foods sexy, thinking that it means that you're not afraid to get a little bit dirty.
5Moles Or Scars
You might be a little bit embarrassed by your moles or scars, thinking they're flaws, or maybe you just don't really consider them at all. Some men, however, quite like them. As one man told Redbook, moles and scars can make you look unique and that's attractive.
6Baseball Caps
Ever toss a baseball cap on your head on the way out the door to cover dirty hair? Me too. According to the aforementioned article from Cosmopolitan, men like when women wear baseball caps. Whether you like sports or not, this is a convenient look, but, as it turns out, also one that's a lot less sloppy than you may have thought.
7Bags Under Your Eyes
Good news out there for all the over-worked, under-rested women rocking bags under their eyes. According to Women's Health, a Reddit user said that "racoon"-eyed bags under the eyes look is one that they find "adorable." Many women, however, don't really love that look so much, so if you want to continue to conceal those under-eye bags, keep doing what you're doing.
8Concentrating On Something Other Than Him
You have your own life and spend your time doing things you want to do beyond what you're doing together. If you're focused on something and can't be bothered to look up to pay attention to whatever they're doing because you're, you know, focused, that's something that some men find super attractive, according to the previously mentioned article from Glamour. You don't have to drop what you're doing and snap to attention all the time. You're focused, you're determined, and they like that.
9Your Morning Look
According to a Reddit thread, some men find your morning look to be irresistible. From no makeup (or smeared remnants of the night before's) to pajamas and messy hair, it's not as bad or unsexy of a look as you might think.
10Making Fun Of Him
While you probably shouldn't only make fun of him (for what I hope are obvious reasons), apparently a little bit of mocking is pretty sexy. According to the previously mentioned Glamour article, a bit of merciless mocking is sometimes how men know they've met their match (in a good way). Just make sure you can take a little bit of mocking, too. It goes both ways.
11The Similarities In Your Facial Features
This sounds weird and, honestly, it is. As Kailen Rosenberg, a relationship expert and founder of Kai-len Love and Life Architects matchmaking service told Woman's Day, some men tend to be more attracted to women who have facial features that are similar in proportion to their own. There's a theory about this — homogamy — which asserts that people often end up with people that are similar to them in some specific way. It doesn't sound as weird when you explain it that way, now does it?
12Your Laugh
As Dr. Maria Sophocles, an assistant professor at the University of Basel (Switzerland) and a member of the Intimina Medical Advisory Board, told Woman's Day in the aforementioned article, some men find your guffawing to be really hot. You might be self-conscious about your boisterous laughing, but you don't have to be.
13Wearing Old Ratty Jeans
Baggy jeans that you toss on only once in a great while, are, apparently, kind of a turn-on, even though you might think they're a little grubby. According to the aforementioned article from Glamour, some men find these hot because you tend to just throw them on when you need to have clothes on your body, like after sex. Who knew?
14Your Deep Voice
According to the previously mentioned Reddit thread, many guys find deeper voices to be really hot, even though, from time to time, you might be a little bit embarrassed by it. Own it, it's yours!
15Your Big Nose
You might think your exceptionally large nose is unsexy, but, according to the previously mentioned Reddit thread, there are some men who find big noses to be really hot. Basically, the moral of this story is that everything about you is pretty darn sexy.
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