Superheroes are classic Halloween go-tos for adults and children alike, and perhaps one of the most popular choices from the realm of the heroes is the masked crusader, web-slinging photographer Spider-Man. Luckily, you don't have to be a skinny, tall, white, nerdy male to dress up as Peter Parker or his heroic alter-ego on October 31 (or, really, whenever you want to). There are tons of easy Spider Man costumes for Spidey fans of every age, gender, size, and style.
The simplest option when it comes to dressing up as Spider-Man is just to head to the nearest costume store and buy a full on Spider-Man suit. But where's the originality and creativity in that? Whether you've waited till the last minute and are DIY-in your suit out of necessity or you just don't want to look like all of the other Spideys on the block, making your own costume is a great alternative.
These costumes utilize pieces you may already own, or can buy separately at thrift stores or other retailers, ensuring that the costume isn't a "one and done" kind of purchase. Whether you want to dress as the O.G. Peter Parker or his Spider-bitten alter-ego Spider-Man, these easy costume ideas will give you the inspiration you need.
1Peter Parker Chic
Hoodie, $30, Old Navy | Black Glasses, $5, Eye Buy Direct | Camera, $40, Ebay | Spider Man Shirt, $10, Party City
Peter Parker has a conveniently chic and simple look that anyone can pull off. All you need is a dark colored zip up hoodie, some black glasses, a camera to sling around with you, and your favorite pair of jeans. You could hide your Spider Man shirt underneath too, if you're not worried about being found out.
2Mini-Peter Parker
Zip-Up Hoodie, $15, Old Navy | Spider Man Tee, $12, Old Navy | Jeans, $8, The Children's Place | Toy Camera, $20, Bed Bath and Beyond | Glasses, $2, Oriental Trading
To make a mini-version of Peter Parker's get-up take everything from the previous costume and make it tiny. Grab a tiny zip up hoodie, a Spider Man tee, a pair of jeans, and a toy camera and a pair of glasses to top it all off.
A great (and cheap) way to take your kid's Spider-Man look to the next level is with some awesome-looking face paint or makeup.
3Classic Spider Man/Woman
Blue Leggings, $8, Amazon | Spiderman Tee, $15, Halloween Costumes | Mask, $5, Party City
A pair of blue leggings, a spiderman tee, and a mask is all you need to dress up like the web-slinging hero.
4Classic Kid's Spider Man
Spider Man Hoodie, $20, Kohl's | Regular Red Hoodie, $8, Hanes | Blue Pants, $5, Walmart | Spider Man Tee, $20, Khols | Spider man Tutu, $35, Etsy
Kiddos who want to dress as Spider Man but don't want to go out and buy a store bought costume that will likely only be worn on Halloween are in luck because dressing as the hero using normal clothes is fairly simple.
Grab your child a Spider Man hoodie or just a regular red hoodie, a pair of blue pants, and a Spider Man tee for a standard, gender neutral outfit. If you're hoping for something a bit cuter, a Spider Man tutu or onsie is the perfect choice before they're too old to refuse to wear it.
5Pregnant Spider Mom
Blue Leggings, $25, Pink Blush Maternity | Red Maternity Shirt, $13, Target | Spider Man Mask, $7, Amazon
Pregnant mamas are the real heroes of Halloween. If you want to dress the part, just find a pair of blue leggings, a red maternity shirt, and a Spider Man mask.
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