
5 Things To Do If You're Thinking Of Starting Your…

by Lisa Beebe

Moms will always want what’s best for their families, and that’s particularly true when it comes to meals. On the quest to find nutritious and delicious foods that everyone in the family will actually enjoy, they may consider switching over to plant-based eating habits. But what is plant-based eating, exactly? Plant-based eating means not consuming animal products and instead focusing on fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, and nuts. Need an extra incentive before you even consider giving up chicken nuggets, burgers, and bacon? Check out the benefits of going veggie. According to the Mayo Clinic, people with plant-based eating lifestyles have a lower risk of heart-disease than meat eaters do.

One tricky part of moving a family toward plant-based foods can be knowing how to get started. It helps to take things slow, as a sudden switch to plant-based eating could be upsetting to kids (especially picky eaters) who need time to adjust to new flavors. Instead, start out with a few meatless meals a week, and gradually transition as a family. Romper partnered with Amazing Grass, a company that specializes in organic, plant-based nutrition, to create this list of first steps you can take if you want to give plant-based eating a try.

Talk to Your Family and See How They Feel About It

When suggesting plant-based eating to your family, do it in a positive way, possibly over a mouthwatering meatless meal. Emphasize how the family will make the change together, because you love each other and want everyone to get as much nutrients as possible. If they need persuading, a pan of vegan brownies will go a long way!

Research Plant-Based Brands

It can be challenging to determine whether the items in your shopping cart are free from pesticides, hormones, and other chemicals. Always read the labels, because some brands are much more particular about their ingredients than others. Amazing Grass makes products from greens that are organically grown and harvested on their family farm in Kansas, and are certified organic, Non-GMO, vegan and gluten free. Their Green SuperFood powder is full of greens, fruits, and veggies that plant-based eaters can simply add to water or juices for energy and immunity boosts, or easily scoop into their baked goods. There are even chocolate and berry-flavored varieties that are specifically for kids!

Try Meal Planning with Plant-Based Recipes

Browse the vegan recipes on Pinterest (or even check out the recipe section on the Amazing Grass website), and pin one or two you want to try this week. Before going to the grocery store, make a list of the ingredients you’ll need. (If you have a plant-based recipe that you already know your family likes, consider making extra, so you’ll have leftovers to freeze for another meal.) For more recipe ideas, reach out to friends who are vegetarian or vegan and ask for their recommendations!

Experiment with Plant-Based Versions of Family Favorites

Does your family love pasta? Try serving penne with roasted vegetables and see what happens. If they love tacos, try a taco night where the main filling is made with beans instead of meat. If you need help coming up with plant-based versions of your family’s favorite meals, search the web. Chances are, another vegan family likes that dish, too, and they may have found the perfect solution.

Find a Few Plant-Based Treats

Inspiring your family to make nutritious food choices is something to celebrate — and why not do it with plant-based foods, too? Check Yelp for a list of local vegan restaurants, and look for one that’s family-friendly and has good reviews. If you’d rather stay in and watch a movie together, share some plant-based snacks as you snuggle up on the couch.

This post is sponsored by Amazing Grass. Want to try out their organic, plant-based products for yourself? Get 30 percent off online orders with promo code 'BUSTLE30' at checkout (expires 8/31/2017)