
7 Things To Know About Orgasms, Because You Can't Appreciate The Big O Without A Few Facts
If you're researching orgasms, chances are you're looking for some knowledge on how to actually have one or bring your partner to one. Totally understandable, but there are so many other things you need to know about orgasms because they are pretty incredible. And I don't mean positions or tricks, I mean facts and knowledge about the actual climax and sensation that would make anyone excited, even if science isn't your bag.
When it comes to sex, I think most of us try to steer clear of any scientific reasoning or facts, right? (Other than "how pregnancy happens" because let's be real, we've all done our research on that.) We like spontaneity, we like pleasure, and we like to think we're all pretty damn good at it without following some sort of manual. But knowing the science behind orgasms and just what they're capable of can make you even more appreciative of that climax. And it can also give you plenty of back-up if you're trying to convince a partner why you deserve one. (And let me just be clear here - you need a new partner if that's the case.) You've probably heard that orgasms have incredible health benefits, such as banishing headaches and helping cure insomnia, but that's not all they're capable of. Here are seven things you need to know about orgasms other than you should have them.
1There's A National Orgasm Day
Orgasms are so coveted that there's actually a nationally recognized day to celebrate them. Yep. Bake a cake, hang up some streamers, and get busy because July 31 is National Orgasm Day. And I don't think it's any surprise that it's the same day as Harry Potter's birthday, so get down with your muggle self.
2Your Brain Deactivates Certain Areas During An Orgasm
You know when you have an orgasm and you're totally blissed out without a care in the world? Thank science for it. A study conducted by Dr. Gert Holstege found that the parts of your brain that register fear and anxiety are deactivated during an orgasm, and functioned at a lower level than normal.
3An Orgasm Might Help With Conception
Apparently the uterine contractions that occur during an orgasm can help your body retain more sperm and help propel it toward the cervix. Proof that baby-making sex doesn't have to be boring or methodical.
4You Can Have An Orgasm After You Die
In Mary Roach's 2009 TedTalk, she brought up an interesting point about orgasms. Because the sacral nerve root is the center for an orgasm sensation, Roach argued that if that spot was oxygenated in a cadaver, you would essentially be able to bring the dead body to an orgasm. A little morbid, sure, but kind of cool to know, right?
5Orgasms Can Keep Your Partner From Cheating
Yup. Satisfying sex and orgasms may keep your partner from being unfaithful, but not just because the sex is good. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that when they gave oxytocin, the hormone released during sex, to groups of men and surrounded them with attractive women, the men that were in monogamous relationships kept their distance from the women moreso than the single men.
6They Get Better With Age
Like a fine wine, apparently orgasms get better the older you are. A study in The American Journal of Medicine found that half of the women in the group over the age of 80 reported they were always or almost always satisfied when it came to sex.
7They Can Cure A Man's Cold
Tired of listening to your man b*tch and moan about his cold? Give him an orgasm. A study found that when men masturbated to completion, their orgasms increased the number of white blood cells, meaning their immune system becomes stronger and they can ward off illnesses and diseases faster. Definitely beats the traditional OJ and NyQuil.
Images: Piotr Marcinski/Fotolia; Giphy (7)