
9 Reasons To Stay In On NYE, Aside From Wanting To Wear Sweats

by Samantha Darby

New Year's Eve is one of those holidays that always sounds really exciting, until about 8 p.m. on December 31 when you realize all you want is to be at home, wrapped up in a Snuggie, and chugging boozy hot chocolate. Sure, staying in on New Year's Eve may sound totally boring at first, but it's the best way to celebrate a totally over-hyped holiday.

New Year's Eve is touted as the greatest night of the year, the night to celebrate everything you’ve accomplished, and you're expected to have the time of your life. But that is why everything goes south, because it's impossible to meet those expectations. For one thing, there's too many variables. Anything could happen and ruin your plans. For another, it can be incredibly stressful. There are few things more overwhelming than trying to plan the best night of the year. It's just too much. So instead, why not stay home on New Year's Eve? Even if you decide to host a party in your home, these nine reasons to stay in one New Year’s Eve still apply. Plus, it’s better than drinking expensive, watered-down cocktails, and picking glitter out of your hair till January 2.

1You'll Save Some Money

New Year's Eve gives establishments an excuse to turn a $6 bottle of sparkling wine into an $11 per glass affair. Not to mention the expenses of cab fares, hotel rooms, and all that Advil you'll need in the morning really add up.

2You Don't Have To Worry About Having A DD

A study conducted by the St. Louis Post Dispatch found that 71 percent more crashes involving alcohol occur on New Year's Eve than the average weekend night. Stay home and up your chances of staying safe.

3You Don't Have To Worry About Transportation

When you're already home, you don't have to worry about your DD getting wasted or not being able to find a cab. It doesn't matter how many things you put in place to ensure you get home safely, they can all get screwed up.

4You Can Wear Yoga Pants

Who wants to try and squeeze into a sequined mini dress a week after all of those cookies and eggnog? Going out means dressing up, heels, and basically being uncomfortable all night.

5You Don't Have To Find A Babysitter

It's challenging to find a babysitter on New Year's Eve, and especially at an affordable price. You might as well stay home and make the night festive for your little ones. Talk to them about the awesome year they had, teach them about resolutions, and stuff them full of sugar so they can crash at midnight and maybe sleep in.

6You Can Make Whatever Drink You Want

You don't have to follow a New Year's Eve cocktail special menu when you're at home. Make yourself a fantastic bloody Mary, drink the rest of your leftover eggnog, or have a mug of decaf coffee at 8 p.m. No one will judge.

7You Can Control The Crowds

Going out on New Year's Eve means battling an enormous amount of people. Even if you're not a crowd-hater, it can still get totally overwhelming and frustrating. When you stay in, you have control over the people you interact with.

8You're Still Recovering From Christmas

Christmas takes all of us a while to recover from, right? Not to mention most New Year's Eve plans are thrown together as people try to finish up their Christmas celebrations. Skip the stress and stay in.

9You Can Go To Bed At 12:01

If you're out, you still have a few hours before you get home after the boll drops. At home, however, you can shut the old tube off at thirty seconds after midnight and be under the covers at 12:01. Now that's the way to start off 2016.

Images: NBC; Giphy (9)