
New Year's Eve Specials To Give Your Kids A Countdown Of Their Own
Whether you’ve outgrown the midnight countdown while crammed shoulder to shoulder with strangers in public or you just want to spend New Year’s Eve with the kids this year, sometimes it’s easier to be about that hermit life on the busiest party night. If you do plan to stay home with the kids, you might be wondering if there are any kids New Year’s Eve specials. Adults shouldn't get to have all of the fun when it comes to NYE. Leading up to the big celebration of another year gone and another year beginning, there are a few TV events to get kids excited.
If you want to give your toddler their first taste of why the holiday is such a big deal, you can watch Happy New Year, Charlie Brown on ABC on Dec. 27 at 8 p.m. ET. On Dec. 31, PBS will air a special New Year’s Eve episode of Arthur at 9 p.m. ET, but there are still some other specials all about the yearly countdown.
Like last year, Netflix has you covered for the best New Year’s Eve countdowns for kids. This year, you’ll find a ton of kids cartoons and shows with countdowns you can watch at any time, starting Dec. 26.
If your goal is to ring in the new year with a few close adult friends, have your kiddos enjoy their own festivities via Netflix so they can still be in bed before the clock strikes eight. It’s a win-win and if your kid likes Spirit Riding Free, Pinky Malinky, Fuller House, Boss Baby, and Alexa and Katie, then there’s a New Year’s Eve special for them. All you have to do is search for "countdowns" on Netflix and you can find all of the kids shows that offer New Year’s Eve celebrations ahead of the big night.
Nickelodeon will also feature a New Year’s Eve special in the form of an interactive New Year’s Eve Loud House Party. Young viewers can watch a marathon of the cartoon from 5-9 p.m. ET. on Dec. 31 while using the Nickelodeon Screens Up app to interact with the show. Throughout the event, Lincoln Loud will ask viewers for help in finding stickers or other characters and they can do so with the app by pointing their device at the screen to unlock different surprises. What a time to be alive.
If your kid handles late nights better than mine, you can always keep them up to watch Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2019, at least for a little while. The annual special kicks off at 8 p.m. ET on ABC and features a ton of musical acts, including Charlie Puth, Post Malone, and Halsey who are all likely to make your tween feel like one of the cool kids staying up late and drinking sparkling grape juice.
Most network TV New Year’s Eve specials are almost always family friendly and help in keeping viewers excited and awake as the clock ticks down to the actual countdown before the new year. But because Netflix has so many different countdowns this year, it's going to be hard to top that for younger viewers who should probably be in bed before the 10 p.m. crankies set in.
I honestly wouldn't say no to an impromptu "noon year’s eve" with my five year old before counting down with one of his Netflix shows and then treating the day as though Mommy doesn't plan to spend the evening making bad decisions. Thankfully, there’s more than one way to celebrate the new year with your kids this year to include them in some of the festivities without sacrificing their bedtime.
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