

Consider Putting Down Your Phone While Nursing

by Samantha Darby

A distracted baby can be frustrating, especially if you're trying to do something like feed that baby sweet potatoes or wipe their bum. It's basically like trying to wrangle a wild animal, except a lot messier. Breastfeeding is no exception, which is why a lot of moms hear that they should put their phone down to make sure baby isn't distracted. But does your phone actually distract your baby from breastfeeding or is this all a ploy to get you off of Facebook?

According to Kelly Mom, babies from 2 months old to 6 months old are often distracted while breastfeeding, which means they like to latch on and off your breasts every time they hear a noise, see something shiny, or just decide that they'd like a look around the room. Unfortunately, some babies even forget the "latch off" part and try to take your nipple on a ride like it's Disney World, too. But does that mean you have to sit in a dark, quiet room without the allure of Pinterest to help you get through those nursing sessions?

"Personally and professionally, I've learned that a baby won't starve themselves ,and sometimes this is one of those pick your battles situation," International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Tera Hamann tells Romper. "It's easier to pump to protect your supply and offer it in cup while they are distracted. The flip side is that they may try to make up for missed feedings from distraction and have some sleepless nights."

Because here's the thing, it may not even be your phone that's truly distracting your baby. IBCLC Kristen Gourley of Lactation Link tells Romper that literally anything could be snagging your baby's attention when they should be breastfeeding. "Really, even a timer on the oven or the chime of an alarm system as someone else opens the garage door can cause a distraction. These are things you may not think about even if you're good about going into a dark, quiet room without any other people, pets, screens, or other distractions," Gourley says.

Is your phone distracting your baby? Possibly. But could it also be the fan, the ticking of a clock, the dog barking outside, or the television? Yep. Keep in mind Hamann's warning: if your baby is distracted and missing feedings, they may make up for it at night. But if that's a risk you're willing to take in order to not spend part of your day in a dark, quiet room, go for it, mama. As Gourley notes, your distracted baby could be interested in anything, so nursing without a phone may not even solve the problem. Which is a good thing, because man, there's only so much Netflix you can watch before you're ready for some Facebook recipe videos.