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Gigi Hadid & Jay Pharoah’s AMAs Monologue Mentions The Electoral College, Of Course

by Jen McGuire

It's always tough to host any kind of awards show, and the American Music Awards on Sunday night were no exception. Gigi Hadid and Jay Pharoah were pegged to host the star-studded ceremony, and after the last few weeks of the divisive 2016 presidential election, they were bound to have a few things to say. So when Hadid and Pharoah's AMA opening monologue mentioned the electoral college, it was like, well obviously.

Model/Instagram star Hadid and SNL alum Jay Pharoah opened their half hilarious/half awkward monologue at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles with a few standard jokes and a few impressions (Pharoah pretty much nails every impression out there, and his Jay Z impression was on point). They could have potentially avoided any mention of the election or new President-elect Donald Trump. In fact, everyone might have appreciated the break. Hadid and Pharoah went a different way; Hadid quipped:

“Don’t worry guys tonight we do not have to deal with the electoral college, so ... ”

Pharoah added: “Tonight, it’s all about the music.”

And here is why I loved it: Hadid was totally fearless dipping her toe into the oft murky waters of political commentary. It's possible nobody expected her to say a word about the election. and then she was all, Boom! Mic drop.

The electoral college, of course, has been the subject of much debate since President-elect Trump's shocking win against political opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. While Clinton won the popular vote, Trump won the 270 electoral votes to become the 45th President of the United States. Many Clinton supporters have since called for an end to the electoral college. Luckily, the American Music Awards doesn't have to worry about this confusing voting system; it's all about the fans at this show. The fans vote for their favorite performers through polls and on the American Music Awards website. Easy peasy.

While Hadid had a nice little moment with the electoral college joke, some of her other jokes fell short. Don't crucify me, but her Melania Trump impression was... ugh. I wasn't in love.

Pharoah's Trump impression, on the other hand, is still making me laugh right now. Especially the bit about "Uptown Funk" being written about Trump. Because yes, amazing.

So impressions aren't really Hadid's thing; call me crazy, but I think she'll somehow still be OK. And give the girl credit; she's not afraid to poke a little fun at the politicians. Props to Hadid.

But maybe leave the impressions to Pharoah next time.