

Here's What Going On ~Down There~ During Pregnancy

by Jill Di Donato

Pregnancy is packed with all kinds of sensations that give you the feels; after all you're growing a human in your womb. And you may have some questions about all the changes happening to your body. For example, wondering how does your vagina feel when pregnant is a totally valid question.

Firstly, Parenting noted that it's normal for your vagina to feel swollen when pregnant. In an interview with the publication, OB-GYN Dr. Mary L. Rosser explained to Parenting that you might think that your vagina has grown in size due to the increase in blood flow to your vagina during pregnancy. But be warned, it just feels that way. But that's actually really good news, because, as Rosser, explained, "the extra blood supply increases sensation" for some women. You know what that means, right? Super intense orgasms. Feel free to break out your vibrator whenever you want, or to get it on with your partner, as there's a sex position for every stage of your pregnancy to make the most out of the increased sensations in your lady parts.

The other common sensation that happens when you're expecting is vaginal itching. OB-GYN Dr. Jennifer Keller told The Bump that during pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases, which can irritate your vulva. Itching and discharge might also be a sign of an infection, so be sure to pay your doctor a visit if the problem persists, noted Keller. Discharge and itching at your vaginal opening (the vulva) might be signs of a yeast infection, according to Mayo Clinic.

The American Pregnancy Association (APA) reported that yeast infections are common during pregnancy, especially during the second trimester. It's common for your labia and your vulva to itch if you develop a yeast infection, which is so not fun.

The APA recommended that you see your doctor for a quick vaginal swab before treating your itchy vagina with over-the-counter creams or suppositories. It also cautioned against use of oral medications like Diflucan to treat yeast infections, as this medicine has not been proven safe for use during pregnancy. You can prevent yeast infections by eating tons of yogurt with lactobacillus acidophilus, avoiding excess moisture down there, and using a drying powder called Nystatin.

There's great irony in the fact that the more sex you have, the greater your risk for developing a yeast infection, because sexual activity can expose your vagina to an overgrowth of candida. Oh, mother nature, you sure have a sense of humor. Especially towards pregnant women.