
How Joanna Gaines Spent The Day After Christmas With Her Family Is SO Relatable

by Jen McGuire

We are all living in that no-man's land between Christmas and New Year's. When the kids are mostly focused on playing with their new toys and parents are mostly focused on trying to come to terms with the reality of their post-Christmas lives. The leftovers, the presents, the general holiday mess strewn all over the place. Trying to harness the sort of lazy chaos can feel like an uphill battle, so some moms are just rolling with it. Even super organized, Type-A moms. As evidence, here's how Joanna Gaines spent the day after Christmas with her family, and honestly she's never been more real to me than right now.

The former Fixer Upper host and mom of five is quite famous for her seemingly endless supply of calm organization. She is an interior designer, after all, as well as a cookbook author, Magnolia mogul and re-inventor of shiplap. Also, let's just say it again; mother of five. One of whom, baby son Crew, is just 6 months old.

So this year, Joanna and her husband Chip appeared to make the conscious decision to go with the flow the day after Christmas. Joanna shared a picture of her dining room at the family's Waco, Texas farmhouse on Wednesday. And while there was the requisite gorgeous Christmas tree in the foreground, there was also a basket of laundry on the table. With the kids and Chip apparently playing with Legos beside it.

Joanna captioned the photo of Chip with the couple's two daughters, 11-year-old Ella and 7-year-old daughter Emmie Kay, "Laundry and legos." Honestly I just want to hang out at her place with a cup of tea in my track pants... I feel like she would be fine with it.

Fans were quick to share their appreciation for such a laidback, normal moment in the comment section of her Instagram feed. "Love that REAL photo! That's every home in America right now!!" one wrote.

Another said, "This is exactly what we did yesterday."

One more chimed in, "I love the way you and your family enjoy the simple everyday things."

Perhaps Joanna is so relaxed because of her annual pre-Christmas tradition of getting the kids to purge their toys and clean their rooms, so she knows there will be room for those Legos. As she wrote on Instagram on Christmas Eve: "Every year right before Christmas I'm the mean mom that makes the kids clean and purge their rooms of old broken toys and junk before the 25th. It's actually fun to watch bc they all get two trash bags and race to see who can finish first (I've tricked them into thinking cleaning is fun)."

Now if you're worried that Joanna is going to completely change her ways and just let the Legos take over her house, come on now. Remember that she created the Lego wall for a home she was revamping back in 2016, and I'm sure her kids will have something similar.

To me, this is the perfect blend of being organized and being a relaxed mom. Oh if only I could find that same balance.

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