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Here's When Organs Move Back After Giving Birth

Every mom-to-be expects some changes during pregnancy. Your hips widen, your uterus grows, and your breasts become almost unrecognizable. But there are some internal changes happening, too, and not just in the emotional sense. Once your baby is born, you're probably wondering when everything will go back to normal, including all of those organs that shifted around. I mean, you'd like to be able to walk up the stairs without getting out of breath, right? But how long does it take organs to move back into place after giving birth?

Those displaced organs are a big deal during pregnancy. In fact, the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has created an entire exhibit called Make Room For Baby to highlight the internal changes a mom must endure during pregnancy. According to Medical Daily, as your uterus grows and pushes up and out of the pelvic cavity, the rest of your organs can become displaced and "squished" as they move out of the way to make room. The Office on Women's Health noted that difficulties with breathing and needing to use the bathroom more often are also because of the pressure being put on your organs by your ever-expanding uterus.

So when do your organs get their space back? It won't take long. According to The Huffington Post, during the first six weeks of postpartum recovery, your uterus is contracting back to its regular size, which means your organs are finding their way back into the spaces they inhabited before you were pregnant. The website for Overlake Obstetricians and Gynecologists also noted that the shifting of organs happens within the first six weeks and that you will most likely feel some cramping and sensations that mimic contractions as your uterus returns to normal size.

Which means, yes. Soon, you'll be able to breathe like a normal human being and (hopefully) have some bladder control back. It's important to note that because your organs have been squished for so long, you might have to work on rebuilding your bladder strength. Fit Pregnancy noted that all of that pressure on your bladder from the uterus can cause stress incontinence, but Kegel exercises could help you bring some control back.

I know, you were already worried about your postpartum body and now this? Don't fear — your organs will go back in place on their own and don't require you doing any work. Your body is a wonderland, remember? And your organs will appreciate the added room. (So will you.)