Joanna Gaines' New Year's Resolution Is Inspired By Baby Crew Hitting This Milestone
It seems like just yesterday that Fixer Upper stars Chip and Joanna Gaines welcomed their fifth child into the world, but actually, their son Crew is now 6 months old, and it sounds like he already has things to say. In a New Year's-themed Instagram post Tuesday, Joanna Gaines revealed that baby Crew hit an adorable milestone, according to Entertainment Tonight — he's now able to say "Mama." As exciting as that might be though, it sounds like Gaines is trying her best to enjoy every minute of his babyhood, and not get too ahead of herself if she can help it.
In the post, Gaines shared a sweet snap of Crew sitting on her lap, and in the caption, she explained that she often finds herself getting caught up in the past, or worrying about the future. As a mom of five kids ranging in age from 13-year-old son Drake all the way down to 6-month-old Crew, that also means she's constantly thinking about a wide range of possible worries, like the fact that her eldest son will be off to college in the coming years, and that her infant is already halfway through his first year (sound familiar, mamas?).
Add in the fact that she also happens to run a hugely successful business that seemingly requires her to be involved in a million different projects at all times, and it's actually pretty miraculous that she's somehow able to manage it all.
Then again, you definitely don't have to have as much on your plate as Gaines does to be able to relate to her desire to live in the moment more. And honestly, her resolution for 2019 is pretty inspiring.
Gaines wrote: "I'm challenging myself in this new year to live for now. The present. Taking in every breath, every sight, and sound and holding it dearly. Not thinking about how the good ol' days have passed us by or how the best is yet to come. But that right now, this very second, this is the gift. These are the days. These are the moments. And I’m gonna breathe them all in. If there's pain and sorrow, or happiness and hope, let it in and then let it out."
That's good advice for anyone, but it seems like it would be particularly valuable for parents, since it's so easy to get caught up thinking about the future, or worrying about how our children are growing, and what might be to come. But according to Gaines, those "little distractions" can be "the thieves that steal our moments and rob our days," since, time, as she writes, "is our most precious gift."
Gaines' take on living in the now can honestly feel a bit surprising, given that, from the outside, it seems that her life is about as close to perfect as it can get. Add in that when a new year begins, it can feel like life is all about doing better, changing yourself, and getting ahead, and it can feel straight up stressful. But judging by the countless people who chimed in with comments about how much they could relate, it sounds like a little mindfulness might do all of us some good right now.
Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that Chip and Joanna aren't busy thinking about new ways to grow their business and home life — in addition to launching a new "lifestyle-focused media network" with Discovery, according to Country Living, they're also entertaining the idea of having a sixth child. But in the meantime, Joanna definitely has the right idea wanting to soak in every minute, especially now that her infant son is already starting to say his first words.
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