
Kate Middleton Was All Smiles While Talking With Kids At A School Assembly

by Jen McGuire

In a sweet new video, Kate Middleton chatted with kids at a school assembly to talk to them about the value of kindness. The Duchess of Cambridge has obviously found her stride when it comes to her royal charitable work, especially now that she has made her focus kids. And from their reaction in this video, she definitely has The Touch.

Middleton was the "incredibly special guest" speaker at an online assembly hosted by Oak National Academy, an online resource for teachers in the United Kingdom. The Duchess of Cambridge spoke via video message about the importance of kindness, especially during difficult times, with students from Waterloo Primary Academy in Blackpool. At the beginning of the assembly, Middleton talked about how all of the changes in the world recently might be having a big effect on mental health.

"We all have our ups and downs, especially when things change in our lives, as they have in so many ways recently," she said. "This can cause us to have a huge range of different feelings. Sometimes these feelings can be good, but sometimes they may be uncomfortable and we feel worried, angry, or upset."

As schools across the United Kingdom are currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, Middleton acknowledged that "being unable to see your friends or spend time with your family will undoubtedly be frustrating for you."

The mom of 6-year-old Prince George, 5-year-old Princess Charlotte, and 2-year-old Prince Louis encouraged kids to talk to someone if they are having a tough time. But also to remember that "you can play your part in helping others to feel better too — whether offering a friendly ear, or helping someone in need."

"Small acts of kindness can go such a long way," she said.

The Duchess of Cambridge went on to ask the kids at Waterloo Primary Academy what kindness means to them. "Treat people how you want to be treated," said one little boy, while another added, "Sharing? That's kindness." A little girl named Olivia proudly told Middleton she had been kind by helping her parents, "I've done loads of jobs so they don't have to do it."

Kate Middleton has been open about her own struggles during the coronavirus epidemic, of course. In an April interview with BBC One she talked about homeschooling her own kids and visiting with family over Zoom calls rather than in person. Changes that we've all gone through and sometimes they've been more difficult than expected.

But through it all, she and Prince William have encouraged people to reach out if they are having mental health troubles. To treat themselves, and others, with kindness.

If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you’re anxious about the virus’s spread in your community, visit the CDC for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all of Romper’s parents + coronavirus coverage here, and Bustle’s constantly updated, general “what to know about coronavirus” here.