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There's A Very Important Reason Why Kate Middleton Takes All Of Her Kids Photos

by Jen McGuire

Prince George and Princess Charlotte sometimes seem like the two most photographed children in the world, but don't be fooled. Sure, the paparazzi have gotten in snaps of the royal kids playing on the sidelines of one of their dad's polo games, and there are plenty of pictures of them from the royal wedding, getting off the plane with their parents, and so on. But when you really think about it, their official pictures tend to be doled out pretty sparingly. And their mom is usually the one behind the camera. Why? Well, Kate Middleton takes pictures of her kids for a pretty important reason that has everything to do with privacy.

According to The Daily Express, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have made protecting their children's privacy in the face of rabid media attention a top priority in their lives. To that end, Kate Middleton has taken the majority of her children's official photographs that have been released to the public. Of course it doesn't hurt that Middleton is an exceptionally talented photographer, beyond being married to the future King of England. She was responsible for taking pictures of both her 5-year-old son Prince George and 3-year-old daughter Princess Charlotte when they started nursery school. And she clearly knocked it out of the park, not just as a photographer but as a mom who dresses her kids with style.

If I could wear Princess Charlotte's first day of nursery school coat, I'm pretty sure I would be the happiest woman alive.

Middleton was also the photographer who took her new baby Prince Louis' official photo in May. Louis was born in April, and Middleton shared a picture of the sweet baby on his own and one of his older sister kissing him to celebrate both his birth and his sister's May birthday.

Middleton made the choice to take her children's official pictures to control how their images were shared with the media, essentially sharing a few pictures to prevent others from being taken, according to Grazia Daily. And even when the couple do allow photographers to be present for a special occasion, like when Prince George started his first day of school at Thomas's Battersea School last September, only a select few were allowed to be there. As royal commentator Victoria Arbiter told The Daily Express, this decision could well be based on Prince William's own harrowing first day of school as a boy, an event he reportedly found understandably traumatic.

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In an effort to ensure that their children don't have to suffer through the same sort of media circus Prince William and his brother Prince Harry did, Kensington Palace issued a stern warning to paparazzi back in 2015. Prince George was being harassed by photographers, and his parents made it clear that they were not having any of it. Fortunately, the "vast majority of publications" proved unwilling to buy any of the coerced photos, and the issue seemed to improve.

Prince William and Kate Middleton are doing more than just controlling their pictures to protect their children's privacy and try to raise them with a sense of normalcy. They spend as much time as they can at their 10-bedroom home, Anmer Hall in Norfolk, outside of London. When their children were smaller they lived at Anmer Hall but have recently returned to live in Kensington Palace full time, but continue to spend school holidays in Norfolk. Prince George attended Westacre Montessori School in Norfolk, a much smaller community where the royal couple are able to maintain a more regular life than the ones they lead in the palace.

Kate Middleton and Prince William have been generous enough to share some gorgeous family photos with the world. Here's hoping people can repay their kindness by allowing them a little privacy.