
The Obamas Are Producing A Netflix Kids Show, & We're So Excited
Every time I see the name Obama, I get this sharp pang of longing square in the middle of my chest. I miss them, the whole lot of them. I miss President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama and their two daughters, Malia and Sasha Obama. But it's important to remember that the family didn't exactly stop existing once they vacated the White House. Quite the contrary, in fact. They are still out there trying to do good works, and they're even dipping their toes into television. Michelle and Barack Obama's new kid show on Netflix is going to be amazing, judging from the title alone. And perhaps most importantly it's going to give us all a chance to feel connected to them again.
Michelle Obama has long been passionately invested in trying to encourage kids to eat healthy. While she was in the White House, she worked hard to end childhood obesity through healthy eating and physical exercise with the Let's Move initiative and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.
And now, it seems the former first lady is still just as passionate about education children on the benefits of healthy eating as she was in the White House. But this time around, she and her husband Barack Obama are taking more of a direct approach. According to Vice, the pair are producing a new kids' program for Netflix called Listen To Your Vegetables And Eat Your Parents.
It appears as though the new series is in the very early stages, so not much is known at this point as far as a synopsis or release date goes. But here is what is known so far: the couple have signed on to produce Listen To Your Vegetables And Eat Your Parents through their new production company Higher Ground. According to Eater, the series is expected to feature half-hour segments that will “take young children and their families around the globe on an adventure that tells us the story of our food."
And just in case all of that wasn't incentive enough to watch the new show when it drops, Eater announced that one of the creators of the show Drunk History Jeremy Konner has signed on as co-creator along with actress/producer Erika Thormahlen. If you've never seen Drunk History... I mean, it's not for kids, but there is definitely a humor element that is sort of unlike anything else. I could see this working.
This isn't the first time Michelle Obama has worked to promote healthy eating to kids through the shows they watch, of course.
The Becoming author also took to shows like Sesame Street back in 2014 to educate kids about eating a nutritious breakfast with the help of the best Sesame Street character, Grover.
Both of the Obamas seem to have a knack for talking to kids in a way that makes them feel heard and comfortable and understood; for proof please leaf through these photos of Barack Obama being adorable with small children. While we still don't know if Love Your Vegetables And Eat Your Parents will be an animated or live-action series or even when we will get to see it, I think we can all agree this show is going to tick all of the boxes. Charm, education, creativity, and Obamas.