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The Royal Kids' Back To School Portrait Are Just TOO Cute

by Jen McGuire

Everywhere you look people are sharing their kids' first day of school photos. You can't possibly go on social media without seeing smiling siblings on their front steps, wearing new backpacks, looking all shiny and clean as they prepare to welcome the day. I mean, we all know how things will change by the last day of school but I digress. There's something about that first day that has parents feeling so many big emotions, the only thing they can do is try to capture it in a photo. Even royals. Prince Charlotte and Prince George's first day of school photo is even making me emotional, so I can't imagine how their parents are holding up.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had a busy day on Thursday as they took their two oldest children, 6-year-old Prince George and 4-year-old Princess Charlotte, off to their first day of school. It was a pretty significant first day at that, considering it's Princess Charlotte's first day of full time school, not to mention the first time she joins big brother Prince George. He has been a student at Thomas's Battersea, a private prep school in London near the family's home at Kensington Palace, since 2017. Now he and Princess Charlotte are heading off to school together and the two siblings look like they're just loving it.

Please everyone look at Princess Charlotte's excited smile plus her shiny ponytail. Also note Prince George's expertly swooped blond hair and smile where he is missing his two front teeth because those are obviously the best kind of smiles. Kensington Palace released the photo of the siblings on Instagram with the caption:

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share a photograph of Prince George and Princess Charlotte at Kensington Palace this morning.The photo was taken shortly before Their Royal Highnesses left for Thomas's Battersea.

Kate Middleton and Prince William took the kids together in the family car, looking for all the world like a pretty regular family as they carried their kids' backpacks and held their hands. Princess Charlotte was introduced to her new teacher, Thomas's Battersea Head of Lower School Helen Haslem, who was also Prince George's teacher when he started school in 2017. The two shook hands, Princess Charlotte looked like she was ready to expire from excitement. Thankfully Kensington Palace shared a video of the moment so we can all watch Princess Charlotte fiddle with her ponytail and grin in real time.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte, along with their 1-year-old brother Prince Louis, are obviously living in a world apart from the rest of us. As members of the royal family their paths are laid out ahead of them, particularly Prince George who is third in line for the throne, with royal duties and palaces and the entire world scrutinizing their every move. So it's pretty delightful to see a picture of them grinning on their front step, shiny and clean, arm in arm ready to take on their first day of school.

A whole lot like every other kid out there.