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Serena Williams Believes Giving Birth Will Make Her Stronger

by Casey Suglia

Serena Williams' due date looms closer and closer and I could not be any more excited. Throughout her pregnancy with her first child, Williams has been open and inspiring to women everywhere, making proud proclamations about how she plans to raise her child. Her most recent interview with the Sunday Telegraph's Stellar Magazine is no different than the rest and reveals just a bit more about Williams' headspace as pregnant woman before giving birth. In the interview, it was revealed that Serena Williams believes giving birth make her stronger and its so inspiring.

During the interview, out on Sunday, Williams revealed that at 8 months pregnant, she is scared of giving birth, because "nothing is guaranteed". But, like the incredibly powerful and empowering woman that she plans to overcome that fear and come out of childbirth stronger. Williams told Stellar:

Having a baby, nothing is guaranteed. That's the scariest thing. [But] I think [giving birth] will give me more strength, if that's possible, and a lot more confidence. I feel like I will be ready for anything.

Coming from Williams, who is perhaps the strongest female alive (that might be an exaggeration), that is an incredibly powerful statement to make. For someone who is already ready for anything, it seems like childbirth will only make Williams invincible.

Don't believe how strong Williams is? She's been recording her workouts on Snapchat for everyone to see, and in her third trimester, does some impressive things that I can't even accomplish myself.

In spite of her hopes and fears, Williams expressed her excitement to give birth in just a few short weeks:

I have so much respect for so many women [for giving birth]. I am about to be a real woman now, you know? It's going to be something incredibly impressive to go through.

Although Williams admitted to Stellar that she has never been around babies (say what?), she and fiancé, Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, already have an idea on how they want to raise their child. Williams told Stellar:

It's something we are working on: 'How do we keep our baby humble?' We haven't come up with an answer yet, but having a strong spiritual background helps. I really think we have to keep referencing the importance of humility.

Motherhood is going to look amazing on Williams, who is such an outspoken and fearless feminist as it is. Like Williams, I can not wait until she becomes a mother to see her truly become the strongest woman alive.