
Moxxly's Hands-Free Breast Pump Kit Is Legit Gonna Change The Way You Pump

by Jacqueline Burt Cote

Breast pumps have come a long way over the years, as have accommodations for breastfeeding mothers... but not quite far enough, as any pumping mom can tell you. When it comes to convenience, there's still plenty of room for improvement in the world of breast pumps — which is where the Moxxly Flow breast pump kit comes in.

The concept of a high-tech pump isn't exactly a new one, of course; with the rise of Femtech (female technologies like "ovulation-tracking bracelets, period-tracking apps, and smart breast pumps," according to The Daily Dot), there are more options than ever. But Moxxly's latest offering could be the smartest one yet — because it allows you to pump hands-free without having to get undressed.

"Moxxly had it up to *here* with telling women to go hide in the corner to pump," explained a press release from the company.

The Moxxly Flow Pump Accessory Kit connects to your breast pump's motor (it's compatible with most models), replacing the original accessories for a more discreet and entirely hands-free experience:

"The kit allows women to pump with their clothes on (no pumping bra needed!) for convenience," the release continued.

With your shirt still on, you can fit the Flow inside your bra even if said bra doesn't have any special flaps or straps or pockets (the flange goes inside and the bottles below the bra band).

Here's a look at how it works:

Seems easy enough, right? (I love that this mom's purse is basically the equivalent of a lingerie drawer. Or like a Mary Poppins bag, if Mary Poppins only had bras.)

But what do real moms think? The reviews on the Moxxy website are definitely positive, for the most part. For one mom, using the Moxxy even helped her to pump more milk than usual:

"After using Moxxly Flow, I have been consistently pumping 1 ounce more than what I normally get during a regular work day. Let me explain. I thought coming back to work and pumping would be easy for me. My private office, being an old patient exam room, comes with a sink! I was using a Medela Pump in Style and handholding my bottles. Everything was going well until I tried to pick up the phone one day. Did you know that once let-down happens... it doesn't stop? I learned that the hard way and sprayed all over my pants/shoes. Now that I have the Moxxly Flow, I no longer have to worry about being interrupted. I still pump behind closed doors (I'm shy), but I can now multitask while pumping. I love that it works with my own bra. I'm active enough that I wear sports bras all the time, and I didn't want to change into a pumping bra to go hands free. Moxxly Flow makes complete sense. It's an efficient system for women who are on the go."

Even moms who were less fully enamored still found the Flow to be a huge help:

"I work from home, and even though I have the convenience of privacy to pump in my home office, the whole charade of undressing/strapping on a hands-free pumping bra multiple times a day was more hassle than I can believe anyone puts up with long-term. Being able to pump without changing out of my nursing tank is a HUGE improvement that makes it... tolerable, at least. That said, I wouldn’t be brave enough to use it when working from a coffee shop — the pointy ends of the flanges are definitely visible under your shirt, and the set up still requires some not-so-discreet positioning while looking down your shirt. Also, there’s no getting around how loud the Medela Pump in style is, if that’s your pump."

Maybe someday, somebody will invent a breast pump that's actually silent and preferably invisible (anything is possible!). Until that day, the Moxxy Flow seems like it might be the closest you can get... and it can be yours for $80 (order on the Moxxly website).