
A Same-Sex Barbie Wedding Set Might Soon Be A Reality, Thanks To These Grooms-To-Be
There's this saying that I love: if you can't see it, you can't be it. I don't know who said this or in what context, but I do know how I've always perceived it — that we need fair representation for kids in their media, in their toys, in their lives so they can create an informed vision of who they might want to someday become in their minds. And it isn't just children, of course; adults need to feel their lives are being represented. Which is why it was so great to see this gay couple created a same-sex Barbie wedding... and even greater that Mattel is now interested in following through.
Nick Caprio and Matt Jacobi are planning to get married in May, and Matt's 8-year-old niece (along with her little sisters) has been chosen to act as a little flower girl. Young Natalie is so special to the couple, who have been together for 12 years, that they actually relocated back to Scottsdale, Arizona after living in Los Angeles to be closer to their nieces, according to The Star Telegram.
As Jacobi explained to ABC News Phoenix, "They've always been with us. They only know that uncle Nick loves uncle Matt and uncle Matt loves uncle Nick."
To celebrate Natalie's upcoming role in her uncles' wedding, the couple went looking for a Barbie wedding set for her birthday... but could only find wedding sets with Ken and Barbie.
And so they customized a wedding set that looked more familiar.
They switched out Barbie for another Ken doll to go along with the little flower girl and wedding cake. And they're thinking this might not be the worst idea in the world for Mattel to start producing same-sex wedding sets, as Jacobi wrote in his open letter to the toy giant on Instagram:
Hi @mattel! Happy Holidays. We had a difficult time finding a same sex wedding set to give to my niece for her 8th birthday. She and her little sister are flower girls in our upcoming May wedding. We thought it would be special to give her something with a little meaning behind it. What a bummer you don’t make one with two grooms. Anyway, we had to get creative and make a couple purchases. I hope our custom gift inspires you to make a #GayWedding set! 🌈.
While there were some negative responses to the couples' creative new wedding set, there were plenty of people who shared their support on Instagram. "Love the idea, you guys are a statement 😍❤️," one person wrote.
"Couldn’t love this anymore if I tried," another said.
Yet another chimed in, "As a longtime Barbie fan/collector it would be so amazing to see something like this in the Barbie world! 😍👏💕."
Do you know who else loved the idea? Other than Natalie, of course, who reportedly was so excited to see a set that "looked exactly like" her uncles. Mattel apparently loved it as well, according to CNN.
Jacobi told CNN that the couple have confirmed a time to sit down with the toy maker to come up with a possible new same-sex wedding set. "We have a confirmed date set in early January, and we are extremely excited, grateful and incredibly determined to make this happen," he told the news outlet. "We are over the moon with all the positive responses we have received. We really just want to thank all the people out there for believing in our message that love is love."
Because isn't that exactly what children should see represented in their toys? Love. Simple, joyful, all-encompassing love. I can't wait to see what Mattel does with this idea, because it's a great one.
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