Party In the USA

24 Instagram Captions For Baby's First 4th Of July
Because your little one deserves a big feed moment in their red, white, and blue.
All of baby’s first holidays are special, even if you’ve never particularly gone that hard on celebrating it before. Baby’s first Arbor Day? Let’s plant a tree! Baby’s first summer solstice? Get out the lanterns! And baby’s first 4th of July? Well, that calls for a special outfit and a whole themed photoshoot to grace your Instagram feeds. You’re going to need some Instagram captions for baby’s first 4th of July, too, and there is no shortage of cutesy patriotic puns to help your little one celebrate their first big holiday built around hot dogs, fireworks, and stars.
Whether you’re headed to your local pool, hosting a big cookout, or just going out for ice cream and home before the fireworks start going off, there are plenty of reasons to get your little one in their red, white, and blue and celebrate Independence Day. Never in your life are you going to be more delighted by tiny American flag-printed shorts than you are when you have a newborn to put them in, so be sure to scour your favorite stores for all the patriotic attire.
And then grab one of these Instagram captions for baby’s first Fourth, or combine a few for a fun post that the grandparents will love so much, they’ll try and print it out.
Instagram Captions for Baby’s First 4th Of July
- ‘Cause baby you’re a firework, come on let your colors burst!
- This little firecracker is ready for the party.
- Someone’s gonna have serious FOMO about fireworks tonight.
- We can’t have a hot dog yet. Or a beer. Or stay up late for the fireworks... OK Fourth of July kind of sucks when you’re a baby.
- Red, white, and my boo.
- We’ve got the perfect sparkler.
- Who needs firecrackers when you’ve got this babe?
- Stars and stripes and sleepless nights — we’re in love.
- I used to love fireworks... until I had a sleeping newborn.
- This baby loves your patriotism, but also loves their sleep — please think of the new parents when you light your fireworks.
- Born in the USA.
- Made in America.
- Land of the free, because of the brave? I’m in.
- I’m just here for the BBQ.
- I’m just like my country, I’m young, scrappy, and hungry.
- All American Baby
- Wrapped in stars and stripes, our little patriotic babe.
- Pies, fries, and these Fourth of July thighs.
- She’s an American girl.
- Happy Fourth of July from our little firecracker.
- Red, white, and cute.
- Sweeter than apple pie.
- Just doing my patriotic duty to be cute.
- Who needs fireworks when this baby already makes a ton of noise?
So which one made the cut? Celebrating America can feel complicated, but celebrating your baby sure doesn’t.