
13 Dads Share Their First Photos As Parents
“I couldn't believe I was holding the mini version of myself.”
We often hear how important it is for moms to “get into the photo” — and it’s true! We’re usually the ones behind the cameras. But there’s one part of the family journey where the birthing parent often take center stage, and that’s those very first moments when a baby arrives into our lives. It makes sense, of course: The physical journey many of us go through is profound. But the transformation into a father is also momentous, and deserves to be celebrated.
Our friends at The Dad asked their followers to share their first photos of themselves as parents, and the exuberant response was a testament to just how much new dads also cherish the memories of those heady initial moments when you realize your life has changed permanently and for the better — and how rarely fathers are asked to participate in these conversations. Below, you’ll find just a few examples of the beautiful, funny, thrilling photos they shared. It’s a little glimpse into just how much the transformation to “parent” is as meaningful and exhilarating for fathers as it is for moms.
Amazing photo of me getting to deliver my firstborn. The moment was totally unplanned. I was standing there, eyes wide, when the midwife asked if I’d like to deliver my child. I turned to her saying, ‘Wait, I can do that!?’ She smiled, grabbed some scrubs for me and told me to suit up.
Twelve years, three weeks ago. We officially have a tween. And she now wears the hoodie I had on in this photo!
Greg and Tim
Meeting our adopted son for the first time. Happiest day of our lives!
Eight years ago. He was born while I was deployed. I met him when he was 3 months old.
I did the most crying out of everyone in the room. My wife is an absolute champion. I love being a dad!!!!
Started my journey on the other side of the world.
Homebirth. The dog realizing he just got knocked down the totem pole.
Six years ago. I couldn’t believe I was holding the mini version of myself.
Our rainbow baby. Kind of funny that her favorite thing in the whole world is rainbows.
Awesome being a dad. Also: 10 hours of labor... my wife is awesome!
Our boy was born in an unplanned home birth. This was me when I opened the door to the paramedics, after seeing the head crowning. Wild day!
This was the happiest day of my life.
This article was originally published on