Postpartum Anxiety


7 Times Movies & TV Actually Showed The Complicated Reality Of PPD

by Jamie Kenney

It’s no longer a taboo subject, but accurate and compassionate on-screen depictions of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders like PPD are still few and far between.


Rachel Platten’s Postpartum Fight Songs

by Nolan Feeney

The “Fight Song” singer struggled with anxiety and depression after the births of her two daughters. To write her new album, she had to rethink her idea of strength.

Olivia Munn at the 96th Annual Oscars held at Ovation Hollywood on March 10, 2024 in Los Angeles, Ca...

Olivia Munn Said Her Postpartum Anxiety Felt Like “The Entire Ocean” Was On Top Of Her

by Jen McGuire

Munn struggled with postpartum anxiety for a year before she received her breast cancer diagnosis.

A mother sits in bed and wipes her baby's mouth with a muslin.
Moms Are People Too

New Survey Confirms That Postpartum Moms Are Seriously Lacking Support

by Katie McPherson

From their doctors, their employers, and their government.

Mental Health

You’re Not A Bad Mom If You Have Intrusive Thoughts

by Miranda Rake

Intrusive thoughts are an extremely common postpartum experience. Let’s talk about them.


There’s A Reason Your Postpartum Anxiety Went Undiagnosed

by Miranda Rake

It’s very hard to ask for help when you don’t know what to call the thing you need help with.


I Thought Constant Anxiety Was The Price You Pay For Being A Mom

by Ingrid Chen McCarthy

I kicked myself for not starting meds sooner, but even decades of therapy couldn’t fully undo the stigma I grew up with.


I Tried To Tell My Doctor About My Postpartum Anxiety, But I Got Nowhere

by Melissa Petro

Throughout our pregnancies, and after, we see so many doctors. Not one of mine checked in on my emotional well-being.


I’m So Glad I Took Zoloft While Pregnant

by Karie Fugett

Thank God for the tiny voice in my head that convinced me it was OK to take care of myself.


I Finally Got My IVF Baby, So What Right Did I Have To Be Depressed?

by Purnima Mani

There was that stubborn voice in my head that said I had no reason to be unhappy now that I got what I wanted.