
Your Cancer 2022 Horoscope Will Make You Want To Get Your Passport Renewed
Get ready to satisfy that wanderlust this year, you crusty little crab
On the surface, Cancer is a quiet sign. With a deep devotion to family and home, this water sign works best by immersing themselves with people they love. That’s why your Cancer 2022 horoscope is here to switch things up in an entirely undiscovered (and exciting) way. You’ll find that some of those deep desires and bucket list to do items get, well, done, in the upcoming year. Be prepared to shed your hard shell, little crab, because there’s a whole new world waiting for you in the New Year.
That’s not to say that it’s going to be easy for you. Your knee-jerk reaction to, um, anything is to find solace with your sweetie and kiddos. But that’s all about to change in 2022, when you start to fall in love with the one person you might just have been neglecting all along — yourself. “In 2022, be ready to explore faraway lands and cultures or expand your knowledge by taking courses or attending classes/seminars,” Wanica Dunn, an astrologer, tells Romper. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with getting some added stamps in your passport, but if you’re looking to stick closer to home, you might find out that the best adventures include your friends and family that don’t stray far from home.
Point being, Cancer, this is your year to find new forms of self-expression, and ditch that crusty exterior so everyone can get to know you in a new light.
If you thought that your desire to expand your horizons was only relegated to travel or work, think again. Come the New Year, you’ll also be looking for ways in which you can reconnect with (or find) a partner who wants to globetrot with you. “There is an emphasis on freedom and exploration this year for you, Cancer, with the addition of creative expression, and impactful collective work,” Jordane Maree, an astrologer and founder of Girl and Her Moon tells Romper. “You are thinking big, and you’ll need someone by your side that appreciates and allows room for this freedom-filled energy. Or alternatively, maybe you’ll meet someone on a big, beautiful adventure?!” Expect the next two years to be focused on healing, either with someone by your side, or finding that healing deep below the surface.
Maybe you’ve been frugal in the past, keeping your earnings tucked tightly underneath your shell. Well, expect all that to change in 2022, Cancer, when a full moon in February just begs you to be free about finances — and your own views of self-worth. “Just before this, Venus and Mercury have both be in retrograde in your 2nd house of finances and worth,” explains Maree. “Having a big, beautiful release alongside the moon just after a period of reflection and new-found-retrograde-awareness is perfect.” You can sit outside, basking in the moonlight, and soaking up all this self-value. That way, you’ll be prepared come July, when a New Moon might tempt you to try a new (and much-deserved) path that can lead to even greater fortune. Adds Dunn: “You may find yourself highly involved and even responsible for other people's money this year.” Just tread carefully so as to maintain your relationships, both professional and personal.
Because you’re such a family and home-based sign, it might feel uncomfortable when 2022 arrives and brings with it a lot of pull in other directions. Don’t despair, Cancer, because you can (and should) pack the fam into the proverbial car and take them on this ride with you. “There is incredible luck available in your career, and whether this shows up in your life as focus being elsewhere, you’ll be opening new doors for both yourself and your family,” explains Maree. “When we align with where our heart is calling us, we fill ourselves up. When we are full, that beautiful positivity and love overflows to our family.” So don’t swim against the tide, you sweet water sign. Let it flow through you, and it will cause a ripple effect that will be good for both you and your family.
Be prepared for your career to take off in new ways starting on January 1 and running straight through to May. But wait, there’s more. You’ll have even more fortune from October to December, when everything about your career (including growth, expansion, and even your public image) will see significant progress. “Jupiter will be moving through your 10thhouse, which is your most public and ‘outward’ section of your chart,” says Maree. “It’s where you make your greatest impact, and this year, it will be through your career.” Although all this success might seem strangely exciting, be ready to embrace it for all that it brings.
2022 will certainly bring you out of your comfort zone, Cancer. It’s up to you what you choose to do with all these changes, so be mindful of where you focus your energies, so that you optimize your growth that will ultimately benefit your entire family.
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