

If You’re Horny Post C-Section, Here’s What To Do

by Angela Johnson

The moment you learn you're pregnant, your mind begins to race. Your brain goes into mommy-to-be mode, and causes you to worry about everything from your baby's health to global warming. You may also worry about how this beautiful new addition to your family will affect your sex life. Will sex feel the same after baby? Will the late night feedings and diaper changes interrupt your lovemaking? And if you're wondering how long you'll have to keep your sex life on ice, you may want to know how soon can I have oral sex after a C-section?

Oral sex is probably safe a few days after delivery. This may come as a relief to those who are looking for a way to be intimate with their partner while waiting the recommended six weeks to resume intercourse. Even when you're clear for intercourse, however, penetration may be painful as the area around your incision may still be tender. Additionally, many new mothers, particularly those who breastfeed can expect to experience some vaginal dryness in the early weeks after delivery. These factors can make oral a sex a more comfortable option. Oral sex may also be the best option for you and your partner to connect sexually until you determine what form of birth control you will use until you are ready to conceive again.

Even with all of the benefits, you may not exactly be up for oral sex in the immediate days and weeks after giving birth. Even women who give birth by C-section should expect some bleeding postpartum. Lochia is a bloody discharge which occurs as the placenta is delivered and the uterus contracts back to its normal size. Having a C-section can mean that your lochia won't be as heavy as a mother who gives birth vaginally, but it can still last for up to four weeks after delivery.

If you and your partner plan to engage in oral sex before you have had your six week postpartum checkup, you should be carful to stick to the area around the clitoris to prevent bacteria from your partner's mouth from causing an infection. You should steer clear from the vagina and perineum to be safe from infection.

As long as you are cautious, oral sex is a healthy (and fun) alternative to intercourse while you wait for your body to heal from delivery and determine the best method of birth control.