
Jill Biden shares advice for working moms.
MediaNews Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images/MediaNews Group/Getty Images

First Lady Jill Biden Has Shared Some Words Of Wisdom For Tired Moms

"You're not failing. You're strong. You're resilient."

by Jen McGuire

There is something genuinely comforting as a mother to discover that the First Lady of the United States deeply understands what it's like to be overwhelmed. Especially when she's doling out advice for free. In a recent interview with Parents, Dr. Jill Biden reminded moms they don't always have to be the "fun mom" when they're getting stressed out. What's more, she's a firm believer in moms prioritizing self care.

Dr. Biden raised three children, her husband's sons Hunter and Beau from his first marriage as well as daughter Ashley, alongside husband President Joe Biden while also having a career as a teacher, so she understands what it's like to sometimes feel pulled in more than one direction. As she told Parents, she was fortunate to have a partner in President Biden who knew how to support her needs. "When I needed to write a paper, he would take the kids somewhere to give me a quiet house," she told the magazine. "He didn't expect me to set aside my career when he became vice president, or now."

Of course, Dr. Biden understands that moms who are trying to manage their family and work life are looking at a very different situation during the pandemic. Between remote learning, working from home, and trying to keep their families healthy, moms are stretched thinner than ever right now. And taking a break from the kids to focus on themselves is not exactly easy these days. Her advice? Stop being so hard on yourselves.

"Maybe you've made mac 'n' cheese for dinner one too many times. Maybe your temper is shorter than usual. Maybe you're too tired to be the 'fun mom.' It's okay," she told Parents. "You're not failing. You're strong. You're resilient. And you're doing your best to carry your family through one of the most difficult times in memory. We're going to do everything we can to get through this, together."

First Lady Jill Biden has a message for working moms.NurPhoto/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Dr. Biden's children might be grown, but she quite clearly remembers what it's like to raise kids. In October, she shared an open letter for moms with Romper where she echoed the very same advice to give themselves a break. "You’re tired. You’re frustrated. You’re wondering if you will ever get a break — and on top of all of it, you feel guilty. Don’t. I want you to know: It’s alright."

Our first lady gets it. So let's all take her advice and go easy on ourselves right now, stop feeling guilty, let go of the concept of a "fun mom." Just do your best.