
Across the country, organizations aimed at supporting Black moms and families are providing valuable...
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15 Organizations Whose Vital Work Supports Black Moms & Families Every Day

by Morgan Brinlee
Originally Published: 

From alliances dedicated to reducing the Black maternal mortality rate to groups fighting for policy reform, there are a number of organizations working to support Black mothers and families. And whether it's with monetary donations, amplifying their missions on social media, or learning about their programs, fellow moms can help support these organizations' invaluable work today and beyond.

The work done by a number of organizations addresses the fact that Black women have historically experienced the highest maternal mortality rate. A 2018 study published in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology found that Black women were three to four times "more likely to die a pregnancy-related death."

Beyond maternal health, Black women have been facing racial disparities in a number of areas. For instance, a poll conducted in early April found that 54% of Black women reported having experienced either a layoff, a furlough, or reduced hours or pay as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. What's more, according to Harvard Business Review, a report from McKinsey and found that while women of color made up roughly 18% of the country's population, they accounted for only 4% of top executive positions within corporations.

So how can fellow moms better support Black mothers and their families? By holding up and giving to the organizations working tirelessly to support them.

1Black Mamas Matter Alliance

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The mission of Black Mamas Matter Alliance is simple: to foster "a world where Black mamas have the rights, respect, and resources to thrive before, during, and after pregnancy." The maternal health, rights, and justice group is a Black-woman-led cross-sectoral alliance that was developed following a partnership between the Center for Reproductive Rights and SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective. They work to center Black mothers in research, policy, and advocacy efforts.

Donations to the Black Mamas Matter Alliance can be easily made here.

2National Birth Equity Collaborative

Founded by Dr. Joia Crear-Perry, the National Birth Equity Collaborative seeks to "create solutions that optimize Black maternal and infant health through training, policy, advocacy, research, and community-centered collaboration." As part of their work to dismantle health inequalities and advance birth equity, they provide race equity training sessions, which go over how racism shows in things like leadership, worldview, and various levels of power.

You can donate to the National Birth Equity Collaborative through the Foundation for Louisiana.

3Fertility For Colored Girls

Fertility for Colored Girls was born after its founders realized “the black community is not having real talk about infertility and reproductive health.” The group seeks to provide not only awareness, but education, support, and encouragement to Black women and families who experience infertility.

Donations to the Fertility for Colored Girls help fund their efforts to uplift and inform and also provide financial support to Black women and families seeking infertility treatments and services.


Support the National Bail Out Collective, a Black-led and Black-centered organization, in their ongoing campaign to bail out Black mothers so they can be with their children.

You can help the National Bail Out Collective's efforts to bail out Black mothers and caregivers by donating to its #FreeBlackMamas bail fund.

5The Afiya Center

Originally established in response to the prevalence of HIV among Black women and girls in Texas, The Afiya Center seeks to serve Black women and girls' reproductive health rights. The organization runs a variety of programs, including Young Black Women for Choice, which seeks to amplify Black voices in the pro-choice movement, and Living Out Loud: With a Purpose, a peer-driven program for Black cisgender and transgender women with HIV.

Donations to the Afiya Center help fund their work.

6Black Mother's Breastfeeding Association

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As a Black-woman-led nonprofit, the Black Mother’s Breastfeeding Association aims to reduce racial disparities in breastfeeding success and support, effectively creating foundations of support networks, education, and resources to Black families and the public or private agencies that serve them.

You can donate to the Black Mother’s Breastfeeding Association here.

7Trans Women of Color Collective

Since the organization's founding, the Trans Women of Color Collective has led the development and implementation of “culturally competent, trans affirming best practices and government agencies,” including the New York City Department of Homeless Services, the New York Police Department, and the New York City Human Resources Administration. They’ve also collaborated with federal and international agencies like the Department of Justice and the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights. They also serve to provide support and resources for trans women of color.

You can donate to the Trans Women of Color Collective here.

8National Black Doulas Association

While The National Black Doulas Association serves to connect Black mothers and families with trained or certified doulas in their community, the association's work goes beyond merely providing families with a vital resource. The organization also offers trainings, workshops, and certification programs for doulas as well as resources for parents unsure of how to choose the doula best for them.

Donations to the National Black Doulas Association help them host community events, workshops, trainings, and provide scholarship opportunities to Black women seeking to become doulas.

9Black Women's Health Imperative

The Black Women's Health Imperative operates programs nationwide that aim to "make optimal health and well-being a reality for all Black women and girls." Some of the organization's signature programs include its Change Your Lifestyle Change Your Life program, which helps participants avoid chronic medical conditions like prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, heart disease more through nutrition and healthy living. Black Women's Health Imperative also oversees My Sister's Keeper, an advocacy and leadership initiative for women at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Donate directly to the Black Women's Health Imperative through their website.

10Black Women's Blueprint

Black Women's Blueprint formed after organizers began meeting in sister circles in 2008 to discuss the state of Black women in the United States. They've since worked to center the particular struggles facing Black women and girls in larger racial justice movements to ensure their voices and experiences are included. The organization also runs Sistas Van, a wheelchair-accessible mobile healing unit for survivors of sexual violence, trafficking, reproductive violence, and physical abuse who may avoid seeking traditional medical services due to trauma, fear, and stigma.

You can make a donation direct to Black Women's Blueprint or purchase items off their Sistas Van Target registry.

11Common Ground Foundation

Rapper, actor, author, and activist Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr. — who is likely better known by his stage name, Common — started the Common Ground Foundation with the intent of helping inner-city kids in Chicago, his hometown. The foundation works to provide mentoring and college prep programs as well as education in nutrition, healthy living, financial literacy, character development, and creative expression.

Donations to the Common Ground Foundation help it expand its reach.

12The Loveland Therapy Fund

Writer, activist, and lecturer Rachel Cargle started The Loveland Foundation, which oversees The Loveland Therapy Fund, in 2018 after raising $250,000 in a birthday fundraiser centered around providing therapy for Black women and girls. The fund seeks to provide financial assistance to Black women and girls (including Black mothers) who, without it, would not have access to therapy. "Black women and girls deserve access to healing, and that healing will impact generations," the fund has stated on their website.

You can donate to The Loveland Therapy Fund here.

13Mothers Against Police Brutality

In 2013, a Dallas police officer shot and killed Clinton Allen. In the wake of his death, Allen's mother Collette Flanagan went on to found Mothers Against Police Brutality. The organization aims to unite mothers in the fight for police accountability, civil rights, and policy reform.

You can make a donation to Mothers Against Police Brutality here.

14Incite! Women of Color Against Violence

Incite! Women of Color Against Violence is led and run by a network of "radical feminists of color" who seek to end violence against women of color. As part of the group's work, they organize a variety of events, conferences, and political initiatives.

You can donate to them here.

15The Free Black Women’s Library & The Sister Outsider Relief Grant

In 2015, OlaRonke Akinmowo started The Free Black Women’s Library, which operates as a mobile library that centers the books and lives of Black women. Earlier this year, she launched The Sister Outsider Relief Grant as a means of providing mutual aid funding to single Black mothers, artists, writers, and cultural workers. In the grant’s first year, Akinmowo raised enough funds to gift 19 mothers with one-time cash grants of $250.

Donations to The Sister Outsider Relief Grant can be made via CashApp $TFBWL (labeled Sister Outsider) or through Venmo @olaronke.

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