
These Women's March Signs For Babies Prove Smashing The Patriarchy Starts Young
On January 21, 2017, the Women's March officially became the largest coordinated protest in our country's history. Since the OG march, women and their allies have been taking their grievances to the streets, using nonviolent resistance to condemn oppression. One of the most powerful things to see at these events? That would be babies and young children, the next generation of feminists and activists. These 15 sign ideas for babies for the 2019 Women's March are not only clever, but the perfect way to give your child their first taste of activism.
In my view, involving your little ones — yes, even the littlest ones — is one of the best gifts you can give them. Sure, they probably have absolutely no idea why they're at the march or what their sign means, but some of their earliest memories will be witnessing their parents take a stand for something they are passionate about. From day one, they'll learn about the importance of using their voice, and their vote, to create change. We may be the ones casting ballots and fighting for change right now, but the next generation will be taking over before we know it. Why wait until they're older to get them involved?
1Little girls with dreams become women with vision.
What a perfect reminder for everyone. Your baby might not look like a towering force to be reckoned with quite yet, but it's only a matter of time.
22019: I march. 2036: I vote. 2053: I run.
I love a baby with a plan. Adjust the dates accordingly, using the year they can vote (at age 18) and the year they can run for president (at age 35).
3To-do list: 1) Learn to walk. 2) Learn to talk. 3) Smash the patriarchy.
Let's be realistic, first things first. However, once your baby is walking and talking, it's time for them to get to work. The patriarchy isn't going to smash itself.
4I cry because misogyny sucks.
An outsider may think your baby is crying because they need a new diaper or some milk. In reality, they're crying because they're disillusioned by repeated instances of prejudice against women. Also, they probably need a new diaper or some milk.
5Never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. — Hillary Clinton
This poignant quote from Hillary Clinton's concession speech is a wonderful thing to put on your baby girl's sign. Then, memorize it and repeat it to her every single day.
6Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. — "The Fellowship of the Ring"
If you're a family of activists and Lord of the Rings fans, here's a perfectly-fitting sign for your baby. It lets your baby tell the world, "I may be less than 20 pounds right now, but I'm going to do big things."
7The children are watching.
This one is short, simple, and straight-to-the-point. Future generations are watching everything happening right now. What do we want them to see? What do we want them to emulate?
8Screw glass slippers — I'm here to shatter glass ceilings.
No shade toward Cinderella, but your daughter has bigger fish to fry. Instead of teaching her how to lock down Prince Charming, teach her to dream big and know that the sky is the limit.
9I don't tantrum, I march.
OK, maybe your baby does throw a few tantrums... but that's not the point. Instead of getting mad, teach them to get out there and make a change.
10I love naps, but I stay woke.
You may have seen the viral photo of a baby carrying this sign at the 2017 Women's March, and it's just too good not to reuse. Your baby may sleep a lot, but that doesn't mean they aren't "woke" to societal injustice.
11My favorite superhero is me.
Almost every kid has a favorite superhero... why not encourage them to be their own? Bonus points if they don a cape to the Women's March.
12I love naps, milk, and social justice.
What babies don't? They'll definitely get the first two today, and they're doing their part to get the third, too.
13Change my diaper so I can change the world.
Your baby is going to grow up and make their mark on the world. Help them out with a fresh diaper in the mean time, would you?
14Fun-sized feminist.
Enough said. I personally prefer this over "future feminist," just because I like to think babies are feminists from birth.
15Just because I can't walk doesn't mean I won't march.
Just because your baby is in a stroller or strapped to your chest doesn't mean they're any less serious about the movement. In fact, they're just too anxious to get involved to wait for silly milestones like walking.