
Photos, texts, emails, and video calls are some ways grandparents can connect virtually with their g...
Rimma Bondarenko
20 Ways Grandparents Can Distract Kids Over Video Chat, Bc You Need A Break

by Ashley Jones
Originally Published: 

Although social distancing and self-isolation are the new normal during the coronavirus pandemic, grandparents and their grandkids separated by long distances can still find creative ways to connect. These 20 ways grandparents can connect virtually with their grandkids are perfect for not only spending time with one another but entertaining each other through these seemingly long days.

With many schools nationwide closed out of caution, parents need new ways to entertain kids stuck at home all day. Spending time with grandparents via a video call or phone call can give bored kids something fun and different to do, and when your little ones are distracted, you can actually get things done. Playing games, sharing special moments, and teaching one another new skills can all be done from a distance with just a little bit of creativity.

This type of interaction will prove especially crucial for kids who are used to spending time with their grandpa and grandma regularly but currently must stay away from elderly family members since they are at increased risk for coronavirus complications. During this time of uncertainty, having a bit of fun with loved ones — even from a distance — can brighten the day of everyone involved. Start with these 20 ideas, some of which merge classic games and activities with technology to keep generations connected.

1Read Bedtime Stories

Many authors and celebrities are reading books in videos during the pandemic, but grandparents can also record themselves reading books and send their videos to your kiddos while you're stuck at home. Your kids can also hop on a Skype or FaceTime call with grandma and grandpa before bedtime and have them read a bedtime story.

2Make Art And Send Photos

Isabel Pavia/Moment/Getty Images

If your kids are coloring masterpieces or painting glorious landscapes, snap a photo with your phone to send to grandparents in a text message or email. Bonus points if you have your kiddo hold their art in the photo. Double bonus points if grandpa or grandma sends a picture of their own artwork back to you.

3Create A Virtual Photo Album

You or your child can take photos of their activities throughout the day and send them in an email to grandparents as a sort of virtual photo album. You can write a bit about what your kids are doing in the photos to give grandparents a taste of how your kids are filling their days while school is out.

4Teach Something

Does grandma know how to crochet? Can grandpa grill a mean steak? Pick a skill that grandparents know how to do that your kids don't and set up a time for them to teach your kids via FaceTime.

This can also work the other way, too. Ask your kid to teach their grandparents the latest TikTok dance. They can also make an instructional video to send if there's not a good time for a live call.

5Play Games Online

Playing games online together is a great way for kids and grandparents to stay connected despite being apart. Multiplayer gaming apps like Words with Friends are perfect for encouraging learning and connecting with loved ones. A variety of classic board games can also be played online. Games like Uno can be played via Facebook and websites like Tabletopia have games of virtual chess and checkers kids can play with grandparents.

6Ask 20 Questions

A good, old-fashioned phone call might be boring for kids, but you can ramp up any conversation with a rousing game of 20 Questions. Here's how it works: One person thinks of an object or topic and writes it down. Then, the other person asks questions to determine what they're thinking of until they reach the maximum of 20 questions or until they figure out the object/topic that the other had in mind. To make it a little easier for younger kids, you can stick to a category to choose things from like animals or foods.

7Play Truth Or Dare

The game Truth or Dare doesn't have to be intense, and it can be played through video chat or text. Dares like eating a bowl of ice cream for breakfast or doing jumping jacks are perfect for kids and grandparents to challenge each other to do. And, the truth questions can really open up conversations with questions like, "What's the best TV show of all time?" or "What's the worst job you've ever had?"

8Guess How Many

Trilak Boonniyom / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images

Have your kids fill a clear jar with small items from your home. Dry beans, M&Ms, marshmallows, coins — pretty much anything that fits will work. Then, send a photo to grandma and grandpa and ask them to guess how many of the items are in the jar. Once they send back their guess, your kids can empty the jar and count the items to see how close their grandparents got. Next time, it can be the grandparents' turn to fill up a jar and the kids' turn to guess.

9Play Hide-And-Seek

This fun take on hide-and-seek can work over text or phone, but it's probably more exciting via video chat. Grandparents can let you know where to hide a treat (think candy or a coupon for extra dessert) somewhere in your home. Then, grandparents can either text clues to your child or walk them through clues on the phone or by video until your kid finds their surprise treat hidden at home.

10Write A Story Together

Kids and grandparents can take turns writing an "add-on" style story together. Basically, one will start by writing either a sentence or a paragraph (depending on your child's abilities), email it to the other, and then they will add the next sentence or paragraph. Repeat until an entire story is written, and then video your child reading the co-written story out loud to send back to grandma and grandpa.

11Play Charades

Charades is one of those classic party games that is perfect for playing on a video call. Kids and grandparents can take turns acting out things from specific categories like different animals, sports, or movies while the other guesses what they are acting out.

12Have Show-And-Tell

Just like they do at school, kids can have a blast during a video show-and-tell session with their grandparents. Have your kids pick an item that is special to them and let them show it off and tell their grandparents all about it via FaceTime. Then, grandma and grandpa can take a turn and show your child an item that is special to them.

13Have A Dance Party

recep-bg/E+/Getty Images

If your kid loves to move and groove, a video call with grandma and grandpa is the perfect time to show off their sweet skills. Have your child turn on their favorite song and let them dance along while their grandparents watch. Then, if they're able, invite grandparents to join in on the fun and dance it out — even if it's just dancing in their lounge chair.

14Use Flash Cards

If grandparents feel up to the task, they can create flash cards to help kids learn numbers, colors, shapes, letters, sight words, math facts, and the like. They could also print out free flashcards from online or order a pack of flashcards from Amazon. Over a video call, grandparents can quiz kids with the flashcards to help them learn. This can also help parents tackle those pesky homeschool lessons.

15Tell Ghost Stories

Grandparents can tell kids spooky ghost stories (or kids can tell grandparents) via video call. This one works best at night where kids can turn off the lights inside or head out into the backyard, grab a flashlight, and listen to their grandparents' ghost stories. I can totally see my dad doing this with my boys over FaceTime.

16Have A Tea Party

If you have a little one who just loves a good tea party, let them invite grandma and grandpa to have tea virtually. Set up a tea party with stuffed animal friends, a tea set (both imaginary tea and real tea works for this), and have kids and grandparents dress in their finest tea time attire. As long as grandparents have a cup or mug around, they can join in on the fun.

17Go For A Walk

When you have the opportunity to get out of the house and take a walk (keeping your distance from others, of course), dial up a video call with grandma and grandpa and have them follow along on your walk. Your kids can show their grandparents birds, squirrels, sticks they pick up, and anything else they notice on the walk. My son and I just did this yesterday with his aunt via FaceTime, and it was so much fun for all of us. I'm sure grandparents would love this type of virtual walk as well.

18Play Simon Says

Another fun game to play over a video call is Simon Says. Your kids and their grandparents can take turns being Simon and get ready to test each other's listening skills.

19Sing Together

Fran Polito/Moment Open/Getty Images

This is an especially fun thing to do with younger kids who love songs like "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or "Old MacDonald" that are easy for grandparents to sing along to. If your kids are older, ask grandparents to pick a song from their own childhood to teach. Think of it as an impromptu homeschool music class. Alternatively, older kids could introduce grandparents to new songs and learn the words together.

20Watch A Show Together

Just because grandma and grandpa can't sit next to your child in the living room doesn't mean they can't enjoy watching a TV show together. Set up a video call with grandparents while you both watch the same TV show. Game shows like The Price Is Right or Wheel of Fortune are classic grandparent favorites that kids can try to guess along with. Shows on Animal Planet or PBS that are educational can also be interesting for kids and grandparents alike to watch together and discuss.

If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you’re anxious about the virus’s spread in your community, visit the CDC for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all of Romper’s parents + coronavirus coverage here, and Bustle’s constantly updated, general “what to know about coronavirus” here.

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