
best holiday gifts for toddlers; toddler hugging a stack of wrapped holiday presents
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23 Preschoolers Tell Us What They Want For The Holidays — Prepare to LOL

by Jennifer Parris
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For the first few years of your child’s life, you’re in total control of the toys they get. You decide whether or not to buy that musical toy (you know, the one that may or may not drive you to madness), and you might choose the style of tricycle or doll they’ll ultimately play with. But when your child becomes a preschooler, they become pretty opinionated about the presents they prefer. That’s why we consulted with 23 preschoolers to tell us what's on their holiday wishlist.

When it comes to asking a 4 year-old what they want, the answers can be hit or miss. Sure, they might adamantly ask for something, but it might not be practical (such as adding on a sibling, or in more cases than not, getting rid of one). And naturally, they'll likely be influenced by what’s happening in pop culture — or more to the point, what’s playing in the movies at the moment (hello, Frozen 2). One thing’s for sure: Preschoolers are precious — and precocious — and they want what they want when they want it.

So here's what 23 preschoolers told us they wanted for the holiday season. You might find some of these items on your child’s wish list, too.

1“I want a Spiderman bike, because he’s a superhero.” —Landon, age 4.

The Huffy 12-inch Marvel Spider-Man Boys' Bicycle ($98) just might make Landon the hit of his block. It has wider training wheels to keep your superhero stable, and the webbed pattern on the tires and grips add to the webby aesthetic.

2“I want my sister to stop annoying me.” —Thomas, age 4.

No comment, Thomas.

3“I want small Frozen dolls that can fit in my dollhouse.” —Caroline, age 4.

The Disney Frozen Petite Character Gift Set would work well for Caroline’s dollhouse, or even if she decides to take them with her when she goes out.

4“I want to eat a lot of Christmas cookies. I don’t want my Dad to tell me to stop.” —Chase, age 4.

Hey, at least this present is relatively easy on his parents' wallets.

5“I want to finally see Santa. I never get to see him.” —Mason, age 4.

Santa Claus is very elusive on Christmas Eve, Daniel. But hey, there’s always the mall.

6“I want lots of Hot Wheels cars.” —Michael, age 4.

Michael can have his pick of nine cars from this Hot Wheels 9-Car Pack to race and zoom to his heart's content.

7“A baby sister. My best friend Carlie has one, and I want one, too.” —Olivia, age 4.

Hmm, not sure if babies are delivered by Santa or the stork, so we might have to check in with Mom and Dad on that one.

8“Paw Patrol.” —Drew, age 4.

Unfortunately, Drew couldn’t offer more insight into his Paw Patrol present request, but we think that the Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Cruiser Toy Vehicle ($41) might be to his liking.

9“A LEGO Toy Story Train, please.” —Jayden, age 4.

What’s cuter, the fact that Jayden said please, or the actual LEGO Duplo Toy Story Train itself ($16)? Once you build the train, Buzz and Woody can save the day from that evil Dr. Porkchop.

10“I want gift cards.” —Charlie, age 4.

Spoken like a man after my own heart. Somebody get this kid a gift card so that he can buy himself exactly what he wants.

11“I would like Santa to bring me the castle from Frozen.” —Eleanor, age 4.

We're assuming that Eleanor doesn't mean the actual castle in Arendelle. But the Frozen Elsa’s Ice Palace from Fisher-Price ($40) offers frozen good fun. It comes with a mini Elsa, Olaf, and with the press of a button, it plays “Let It Go.” Cute, but consider yourself warned.

12“I thought the Kinetic Sand with the truck looked like fun.” —Sadie, age 4.

The Kinetic Sand Dig and Demolish Truck ($12) includes a pound of sand plus a digger truck that allows kids to scoop up sand and plow right through it.

13“I love any kind of Barbie. I have 9.” —Katie, age 4.

If she doesn't already have it, Katie might like the 15-piece Barbie Cake Bakery Playset ($20). It's got everything an imaginative needs to act out playing bakery-owner.

14“Slime is fun to make. One time, I got slime in my sister’s hair. She started to cry, and my mom got so upset with me. They gave her a lot of baths to get it out and I got in trouble. But I think slime is so cool, so I’d really like to try it again. I don’t know if my mom will be okay with it, but I can promise to not do it again. She looked so silly, it made me laugh.” —Daniel, age 4.

A little bit of context is always helpful. The Nickelodeon Color Change Slime from Cra-Z-Art ($10) can create cool slime that will hopefully not make its way to Daniel's sister’s head.

15“A present.” —Ella, age 4.

This answer is both a blessing a curse. On the one hand it seems as though she's the most easygoing kid in town, and the only way her parents will find out she isn't is if they get her the wrong thing.

16“A puppy, but my parents don’t want one.” —Hannah, age 4.

Here’s the thing, Hannah. You need to talk up the positives of getting a pet with your parents, like learning empathy or giving them a sense of responsibility. Then you might, just might, find a Maltipoo under your tree. If not, there are plenty of interactive toy pups out there.

17“I want to be a princess like Elsa.” —Kylie, age 4.

It's a good thing a Princess Elsa dress is not hard to find these days.

18“I want a tablet so my mom can stop taking mine.” —Christina, age 4.

Preeetty sure that it’s your mom’s tablet, Christina, and you're borrowing her's. And there's no guarantee that if you do get your own, she still won't cut you off from time to time.

19“I want a shopping cart for my play food.” —Hailey, age 4.

“I want a shopping cart for my play food.”

This Melissa and Doug shopping cart ($56) is made out of metal, just like real grocery carts. It can store all your child’s food items and allow for pretend play, too.

20“I like doing arts and crafts with lots of things, like glitter and feathers and stuff.” —Liana, age 4.

The Craft-tastic Dream Catcher DIY Art & Craft Kit ($17) lets a child’s creativity soar.

21“For Christmas, I’d like a car that I don’t have to pedal all the time, because my legs get tired.” —Demetri, age 4.

The Kids 12V Ride On Truck from Best Choice Products ($240) can keep your kid zooming around, and no, his legs won’t get tired.

22“I’d like a new Thomas the Train set that has a cool track.” —Brandon, age 4.

Sounds like Brandon is looking for something like this Thomas and Friends track set ($40), which will allow him to build multiple configurations.

23“I want it to be the holidays now.” —Alex, age 4.

Don't worry, Alex, it'll be here before you know it.

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