Definitely On The Nice List

11 Cute First Christmas Traditions To Do With Your Baby
There’s a lot of snuggling involved.
There is truly nothing like your baby’s first Christmas. It may not be the best Christmas ever or the one where you felt all the magic of the season, but it will always stand out as an incredibly special time for you and your family. Marking this season with some special first Christmas traditions is such a nice way to put yourself in the holiday spirit, and so many of the things you do this first year will become Christmas traditions you’re still doing when your baby is a grown adult coming home for the holidays.
OK, stop crying. We’re not going there just yet. But these first Christmas traditions are perfect for growing with your baby. And some of them are meant for just that first Christmas, when your baby is still doing the newborn squish and you can dress them up as Santa Claus without them getting annoyed because they just want to watch Bluey. This is the Christmas to fulfill all of your holiday photoshoot desires, and this is the Christmas where you get to snuggle them by the tree and think about all of the magic in their little bodies and all the magic to come. It’s just so special.
So read on for some fun first Christmas traditions that will put you and your little elf in the holiday spirit. It just doesn’t get much better than Baby’s First Christmas.
1Take a Starbucks snowman cookie picture.
You know the one. Go grab your favorite Starbucks seasonal drink (I know you need the caffeine) and get a snowman sugar cookie to go along with it. Bite off just the head, lay your baby down on a blanket, and hold the cookie up so that it looks like your baby’s head is at the top of the snowman body. Snap a picture — this might be the only year you’ll get your baby to be still long enough for this Christmas tradition.
2Take pictures in front of your Christmas tree.
3Make salt-dough ornaments.
Tiny handprints or footprints hanging on your Christmas tree is just the best. There are tons of salt dough recipes out there, but this salt dough recipe from Yummy Toddler Food is my personal favorite. Go ahead and preserve those tiny fingers now in a sweet little ornament to hang on your tree. This tradition can grow with your baby each year if you want — just make a new handprint ornament each year.
4Go buy baby’s first ornament.
I will never forget my first baby’s first Christmas. I took her shopping on Black Friday to look for her first Christmas ornament, and it was one of the happiest moments of my life. Don’t buy online — bundle up your baby and make a day out of going to find their first Christmas ornament.
5Make crafty gifts for grandparents.
Again, this may be something you can do every year, but babies are pretty easygoing about using their feet to stamp out a wreath on canvas to give as a gift. There are tons of ideas out there, but the green mistletoes print is such a sweet one to do and a great keepsake of your baby’s first Christmas.
6Buy all the My First Christmas accessories.
This is your only chance! Buy the My First Christmas romper, the bib, the tiny Santa hat for all of your holiday photoshoots. I know, it feels silly because this is their only first Christmas, but it’s just so fun. You can always save them for future children or pass them along to a loved one.
7Buy their first Christmas book.
You need to build your baby’s Christmas library, and you can definitely do that over the years. But a great first Christmas tradition? Taking them shopping for their first Christmas book. What will you choose? A board book version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas? Olivia Helps with Christmas? A fun peekaboo Christmas book? There are tons of options, but like taking them to find an ornament, I think you should totally make this into a whole day and head to your favorite bookstore.
8Walk around a local spot to view Christmas lights.
Bundle up your baby and get that stroller decked out in some festive decor — it’s time to look at lights. Driving around to see Christmas lights is a great tradition, but tiny babies can’t really see out the window (or have any idea that they should be doing that, honestly) so why not take them on a little walk? Walk through your neighborhood to see lights, drive to a local town with lights up, find a walk-through Christmas light display — anything where there is a nice glow for the whole family to enjoy.
9Get Christmas jammies.
You absolutely have to pick a pair of Christmas jammies for your baby and then you need to take a million pictures of them in it. Put them in front of the tree, hold them by the fireplace, take a picture outside in front of your outdoor decorations — make a whole memory out of those jammies. You can even snuggle up and watch a nice, gentle, cozy Christmas movie.
10Put your baby in a giant stocking.
Look, just do it, OK? Your baby will probably be too big next year to fit in a stocking, so now’s your chance to get that adorable first Christmas photo.
11Rock them to “Silent Night.”
There is something about having a baby at Christmas that gives you some deep spiritual feelings, even if you aren’t religious. So find your favorite version of “Silent Night,” get yourself all cozied up in your rocker or glider, and get that baby in your arms. Remember this moment and just soak it all in. A perfect first Christmas tradition.
No matter how you celebrate your baby’s first Christmas, it’s bound to be an incredibly special time. Document it, remember it, and enjoy it.