Doing The Most

14 Leap Day Baby Names For Kids With Exceptional Timing
Your little Leapling deserves an extra special moniker.
Having a baby on Leap Day means your little one’s birthday will always be pretty special. Born on a day that only occurs every four years, your kid will be known as a “Leapling,” and you get to have a whole lot of fun celebrating Leap Day in the years to come. All babies are special, but with roughly only a 1 in 1,461 chance of having a Leap Day birthday, your little Leap Day baby deserves a great name.
Not that your baby’s name always has to have a theme or coincide with some unique aspect of their birth, but much like having some February baby names in mind for your little one’s moniker, you might as well think up some Leap Day baby names if your babe’s due date is anywhere near Feb. 29. In the United States, there are only about 362,900 people with Leap Day birthdays, which means you may be one of a very select few giving birth on this day. Don’t you want to honor the magic of that? Or at least have a list of baby names in mind that bring some of that specialness to life?
Whether incorporated as a first or middle name, these Leap Day baby names are a sweet way to mark your baby’s entrance in the exclusive ranks of leapers.
Because your kid's birthday only occurs every four years, why not choose IV, the roman numeral four, and spell it as Ivy? It's a clever way to mark the occasion, and sharing a moniker with Beyonce's kid is a great way to start life.
Leap Day is also associated with Sadie Hawkins Day (you know, the day when women ask out dudes) — apparently Feb. 29 is the official day for women to propose to men. But Sadie is also just a pretty name that means "princess."
Julius Caesar is responsible for the calendar system that introduced the leap day every four years, so any variation of his name would be an appropriate moniker for leaper babies. Jules and Julia are also nice versions, and the name Julie means “youthful.”
Why not name your little one for a rare jewel? Amethyst is also the birthstone for February, so it has a sweet connection to February 29.
Playing on the "leap" part of Leap Day, the name Springer means "to jump." It would make a clever middle name for any February 29 baby, and is very unique.
This Swahili name of Kito means "precious jewel." It's fitting for a child with such a rare birth date.
Alula is a gorgeous baby name that means "first leap." It's very unique, and has a really magical fibe to it (and it's a palindrome!).
Berezi is a Basque name that means "special." Because your kid is automatically in a pretty special club just by being born on February 29. Plus Zi is a very cute nickname.
Ender is a sweet, delicate Turkish name that actually means "very rare," so it feels especially appropriate for a Leap Day babe. I also think it’s a great gender neutral choice.
Anoki is a Hindu name that means "unique," so if you want your little girl's moniker to reflect her birthday, it's a lovely choice.
Because a Leap Day happens to keep up with the lag from the sun compiled over four years, a name that goes with that big, bright star is a cute choice. Soleil is sun in French, and it's such a pretty name for a little girl.
If you decide to celebrate March 1 as your baby's birthday on the non-Leap years, Brooke is a sweet choice as it ties into water, which connects with March's birthstone of aquamarine.
Another unique name, Gordie also has a sweet tie to Leap Day if you're a hockey fan. On February 29, 1980, Gordie Howe scored his 800th goal in the NHL, which is a pretty huge deal. The magic of Leap Day maybe? Gordie is also adorable for both boys and girls.
Like Sadie, the name Bridget connects to the tradition of women proposing to men on Leap Day as it became a thing, allegedly, when Saint Bridget complained to Saint Patrick and he made it so. Honor that tenacious saint with the sweet name of Bridget.
No matter which baby name you choose for your little leapling, they’re sure to feel special every year.
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