
Olivia Wilde Honors Her Kids With Gorgeous New Zodiac Tattoos On Her Arms
These are not the first tattoos Wilde has gotten in tribute to her kids. And probably won’t be the last.
When Olivia Wilde wants to give her 8-year-old son Otis and 6-year-old daughter Daisy an idea of just how permanent her love is for them, she puts it in ink. On her arms. And apparently she loves them so much she’s “running out” of space on her arms for all her tattoos, as the proud mom of two shared in a recent Instagram Story.
Wilde recently went to see tattoo artist Brian “Dr.” Woo to add a very special bit of ink art to her forearm. It looks to be the Libra constellation in honor of her daughter Daisy’s zodiac sign, along with a sweet tattoo of a hummingbird. Wilde already had her son Otis’s Taurus constellation added to her arm back in 2018, and now she has a matched pair. Wilde shared the new tattoos on her Instagram Story with the note “running out of arms,” while Woo also posted photos of them on his own Instagram on Wednesday with the message, “Completing the balance, adding to the story for Olivia ✨🌘💫 done awhile back.”
These are not the first tattoos Wilde, who co-parents Otis and Daisy with ex-partner Jason Sudeikis, has gotten in tribute to her kids. And they probably won’t be the last if she can find more room on her arms.
In December 2021, Wilde had her children’s names tattooed close to her wrists in delicate handwriting, which she shared on Instagram with the message “Momma’s love” at the time. A love that keeps her up at night, she told Beanie Fieldstein in an interview for InStyle. “For me as a mom, time becomes essential, because there's so little of it when you are focused on keeping people alive,” she said at the time. “Then the time that's left for you becomes very potent, and you can achieve great things with it.”
The newly single mom also opened up to Kelly Clarkson in 2022 about how her relationship with her children has changed since her relationship ended. “My priority is them,” she said of her two kids. “That's what it is. It's as long as they're happy and they're healthy then, my ex and I, we agree on that. They are everything to us.”
So much so that she’s putting it in writing. All over her arms. If that’s not commitment, I don’t know what is.