
9 Things That Might Happen To Your Body The First Time You Have Post-Baby Sex

by Samantha Darby

Your first experience with postpartum sex is a total mind warp, but there are also things that could happen to your body the first time you have post-baby sex. You just thought you could psych yourself out with your mind, right? Now you can let the actual physical reactions to post-baby sex teach you what it's all about.

OK, stop panicking. I promise, postpartum sex isn't worth all of the freaking out you're doing. But knowledge is power and knowing what your body could potentially go through during that first romp can not only prepare you for sex, but it can also decrease some of your anxieties. There are even a few ways where postpartum sex can be better than ever before, including the physical aspects of it.

But everybody is different and so is everyone's postpartum recovery. Maybe you've waited the six weeks and sex is still the farthest thing from your mind. Maybe you've been dying to get back to the bedroom with your boo ,and hearing that you still have some healing to do is the worst thing ever. Your delivery can affect your postpartum sex life, but so can your relationship with your SO and your baby. There's no mandatory timeline — you can ease back into postpartum sex whenever you're ready.

But don't get yourself all worked up, OK? Keep these nine things in mind, as they could potentially happen to your body, and remember that postpartum sex is going to be just like regular sex soon. It's the first time that makes you nervous, I promise.

1It May Leak A Little

Your body may be used to fluids during sex, but it's not used to feeling like a milk machine. Oxytocin, the hormone released during an orgasm, is the same hormone responsible for your breast milk's let-down reflex. So while you're being stimulated during sex, you might feel your boobs reacting and filling the bed with milk. You're welcome. That first time is a bit of a shock, so throw on a bra or keep a towel nearby next time if it bothers you.

2It May Be In A Lot Of Pain

You knew that was coming, right? Look, whether you've had a vaginal delivery, an episiotomy, a C-section, or an intense tear, postpartum sex can hurt. That first time can be super painful, especially if you're still healing or the area is sensitive. Just be careful and ease yourself into it.

3It May Be Dry As The Sahara

According to the Mayo Clinic, vaginal dryness can be a real problem for a lot of postpartum women, and that definitely doesn't make sexy time feel like fun. You won't know until the first time you have sex, but keep a bottle of lubricant nearby just in case.

4It May Feel Touched-Out

All day long you've been ready for sex, but now you're about to get it on for the first time since you had your baby and you feel touched out. Whether it's from a needy baby, breastfeeding, or simply wanting your body back, feeling touched out is totally natural. Your body may experience that feeling in the middle of sex and you may need a few minutes to regroup and get some alone time before you try again. Try relaxing on your own before sex so next time you can be sure you're ready.

5It May Orgasm More Than Before

No, seriously. You may have even orgasms more frequently according to Women's Health. Apparently, the nerve endings around your clitoris may increase, making orgasms happen more often than they ever did before. Thanks childbirth.

6It May Be More Sensitive

Yup, your vagina may be more sensitive than before, offering you more intense orgasms. The same Women's Health article cites that nerve compression from childbirth can actually increase your orgasm's sensitivity, and that increased vaginal muscle control from pregnancy can make them more intense.

7It May Have Less Erogenous Zones Than Before

Again, you won't know until that first time you hit the bedroom, but your body may lose all of its erogenous zones after having a baby. Maybe your breasts were a huge turn-on before, but now you can't stand for them to be touched. You might have once loved your thighs and stomach to be kissed, but now you don't want your partner anywhere near them. As with most postpartum things, you can blame hormones, but it can also just take a few more tries with your new bod to get it right.

8It May Crave Your Partner More Than Before

Live Science notes that all of that oxytocin flooding your body after bonding with your baby can make your body want your partner in a huge way. The hormone is responsible for love and bonding, so you can expect to feel a tug towards your partner that may be more intense than before.

9It May Not Give A Damn About Sex

Just spitting the truth here. Mayo Clinic notes that if your vagina has decreased muscle tone, all of the good friction you experience during sex may be reduced, turning you completely off. Your body may not show any signs of arousal, and you know what, that's OK. It's just the first time back in the sack (pun fully intended), so give yourself some time.