
Do Orgasms Change After an Episiotomy?

by Tessa Shull

During the birth process, a woman may endure a plethora of procedures or changes that leave them wondering how their body might be different afterward. One procedure that piques a lot of people's curiosity is episiotomies and, specifically, how it affects their postpartum sex life. "What does an orgasm feel like for a woman who had an episiotomy?" and "is it really any different?" are just a few of the questions you may find yourself asking as your due date approaches.

According to Baby Center, an episiotomy is a surgical cut between the vagina and anus made to enlarge the vaginal opening and reduce risk of tearing during birth. Although it used to be highly common, because it was thought to help preserve the muscular and connective tissue, recent studies have shown it doesn't have much of an impact. It's now used primarily when a doctor believes it's necessary for things like a very large baby or a delivery that needs to happen quickly for health reasons.

The aforementioned Baby Center article also noted that today episiotomies occur in less than one out of every five vaginal deliveries. This is primarily because unless there's a reason for a episiotomy, they're not a necessity. And the natural vaginal tearing that may occur is safer and has less chance of infection.

As far as whether or not there's really an change in orgasm for women who've had a episiotomy, there's great news. According to Psychology Today, "episiotomy-assisted childbirth didn't affect arousal, orgasm, or satisfaction." Although it's important to keep in mind general hormonal and physical changes may affect how you feel towards sex or intimacy after childbirth, episiotomy will not be part of that equation with orgasms.

Even if you've had a episiotomy, your orgasms should still be the same once you get back to a similar sex-life as before pregnancy and birth. According to the previously mentioned Psychology Today article, the only thing in relation to sex that an episiotomy may effect is pain during intercourse or dryness. Some women found that painful intercourse and dryness was something they dealt with for a longer period of time after birth or more frequently than before an episiotomy. Still, this did not change orgasms or overall sexual satisfaction.

So if you find yourself worried over how orgasms may change after an episiotomy, take comfort in knowing there won't be any effect from the cut.