Back to School

36 First Day Of Pre-K Instagram Captions To Capture The Moment
You’re definitely going to want to share this one.
Sending your little one off to school on their very first day of Pre-K can bring on all of the emotions. You’re proud of them, you’re excited to have some alone time, and you can’t wait for them to meet new friends and learn new things. At the same time, it feels like you just welcomed them into the world yesterday, and you’re left wondering how your baby is old enough for all of this. As their parent, all you can really do is hold back your tears, snap a cute picture, find the best first day of Pre-K caption to post it on Instagram, TikTok — all the platforms. Then, all that’s left to do is go home and ride some emotional waves until pick-up time.
Since you know that that back-to-school photo of your child is pretty much guaranteed to rake in the likes and comments, you’ll want to think of something great to write alongside it. Maybe that’s a funny quip about how you finally have some time to yourself, or maybe it’s a sob-inducing one-liner about how fleeting time is. You can also opt for an inspiring quote about education that will remind you of how much there is to look forward to. Whatever route you want to go, one of these perfect captions is sure to fit the bill.
Funny first day of Pre-K Instagram captions
- I forgot what quiet sounded like.
- Now begins Mamastay. Mama stay in bed.
- Today is the day we begin our countdown to the last day of school.
- In loving memory of our summer vacation
- If you need me, I’ll just be over here sobbing.
- Time to start knowing what day of the week it is...
- Don’t worry, summer vacation is only nine months away!
- Ready to take on the world; Well, teachers and students first, I guess!
- Ready to get an ‘A’ in naps.
- OK, does this mean I’m officially old now?
- Prepared to perfect the art of Bento-boxing!
- Okay, time to start watching those TikTok videos on how to style an energetic child’s hair.
Perfect quotes for the first day of Pre-K
- "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." — Dr. Seuss
- “Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” — Jess Lair
- “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” — Fred Rogers
- “The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught as that every child should be given the wish to learn.” — John Lubbock
- “The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” — Denis Waitley
- “Let the child be the scriptwriter, the director and the actor in his own play.” — Magda Gerber
- “We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” — Stacia Tauscher
- “When we raise our children to shine, the future becomes brighter!” — Brigette Foresman
- “The journey through the preschool years helps children to move from dependence to interdependence to independence.” — Deepa Bhushan
- “Preschool children are virtuosos of imagination.” — Benjamin Spock
- “Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Enstein
- “It takes a big heart to shape little minds.” – Unknown
Sweet, sentimental first day of Pre-K Instagram captions
- From holding my hand to stepping into the classroom. Oh, how time flies.
- Nothing is sweeter than a first day of school pic.
- And just like that, you're starting a whole new adventure.
- Your first day of school. How can it be? A second ago, they were handing a sweet baby to me.
- A lot excited and a little anxious. It's the first day of school!
- Dream big, little one.
- Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.
- Oh, the places you’ll go.
- Growing up has just begun. Happy first day of preschool!
- Away he grows.
- Can’t wait to see how her mind grows this year.
- New year, new place to learn!
The morning might fly by in a stressful blur, don’t forget to snap at least one photo of your little one before they leave. The first day of Pre-K is a big deal, and you’ll want to remember it forever. These first day of Pre-K captions are perfect to keep alongside the photo to really remember how you were feeling in the moment, too.
This article was originally published on