
Asian child wearing graduation caps and gown needs a cute preschool graduation instagram caption
Arisara_Tongdonnoi/E+/Getty Images
34 Instagram Captions Perfect For Preschool Graduation Photos

So many, many emotions.

by Kinsey Gidick
Originally Published: 

The first in many, many graduation days, the preschool graduation is one of the most bittersweet. By middle school graduation, you may just be relieved to dismiss your child’s tween years and move on. But when your baby has only recently mastered writing their own name it can be an emotional experience you’ll want to document with a preschool graduation Instagram caption.

This is a monumental day. So what caption sums up the magnitude of moving beyond Pre-K to the great big world of elementary school? You could go super sappy (and no one would begrudge you) with a quote from a classic children’s book or author. Or you might want to look to the great thinkers for something profound.

Others may prefer a silly statement that describes the image posted because, let’s be honest, is there anything cuter than a tiny person in an oversized cap and gown?

Ultimately, whatever you post will live on as a snapshot of the moment and emotions rushing through you as a parent when you realize full that the baby days were done. Or, it could be just a reminder that you’ll be doing this whole graduation thing again in a year when your little one finishes up kindergarten. Just sayin’.

1A reminder of the inevitable

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“They grow up so fast.”

Well, they do don’t they? We all know it, but sometimes the sheer image of a kid can be a stark reminder of how quickly this thing called life flies by.

2Good advice for your baby

“Be bold, be courageous, be your best.” — Gabby Giffords

Great advice from an exceptional politician, this quote is something a child should hear every single day.

3A quote that reminds your kiddo to dream big

“It isn’t where you come from. It’s where you’re going that counts.” –Ella Fitzgerald

Regardless of a child’s circumstances, they should know that the future has so many promises in store and if they focus on that, they can achieve great things.

4A presidential quote to be the best they can be

“Do what you can with all that you have, wherever you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

T.R. knew a thing or two about making the most of his circumstances, especially after the double tragedy of the loss of his wife and daughter. This quote personifies that resilience.

5A Gaga quote about letting your light shine

“Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put some sunglasses on.” – Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has long been a supporter of the overlooked and this quote is a reminder that we all need to let our light shine, regardless of who might be trying to put it out.

6A Robin Williams quote to never lose their childhood spark

“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” – Robin Williams

Leave it to the late comedian Robin Williams to put into words what’s so easily forgotten, that madness can be a great thing. And don’t children know it?

7A quote about believing in children

“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them” – Lady Bird Johnson

The former first lady certainly knew what she was talking about here when she made this important quote about the importance of believing in kids. A nice phrase for a preschool graduation Instagram post.

8A timeless note about the power of education at any age

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X

It’s not enough to send kids to school. We must remind them of the vast benefits getting an education can provide, something Malcolm X made clear here.

9A quote for the kid who’s ready for big things

“Kindergarten, here I come!”

Some kids just operate at a faster speed than others and if yours is a go-getter, ready to march on into kindergarten, perhaps this caption is best for you

10A powerful quote about the power of knowledge

Courtney Hale/E+/Getty Images

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” — B.B. King

Knowledge is yours for keeps, kid. Certainly that’s Instagram quote worthy.

11A hat tip to the teachers who have taught your child

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” — Benjamin Franklin

Don’t forget the hardworking teachers in your preschool Instagram posts. They do so much to set kids on the right path.

12A Mr. Rogers salute to educators

“Anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.” —Fred Rogers

Mr. Rogers knew that some of the secret superheroes among us were actually standing right in front of us.

13Words to live by from Emerson

“Be silly, be honest, be kind.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

In helping kids grow up, we should also help them to remember to not get too serious. Life is too short for that.

14A case for listening to your child

“Children will listen to you after they feel listened to.” ― Jane Nelsen

If your child is illustrating this wonderful characteristic, it’s thanks to the support network around them. So give them a nod in your instagram post

15A quote that reminds us of the magic of children

“Sometimes, I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

What a marvelous quote that speaks to the power of the imagination, something a Pre-K grad can proudly bring to their kindergarten classroom.

16A fairy tale quote to always believe in the impossible

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” – Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

This quote says “I believe you can do whatever you put your mind too, kid.” Something they certainly need to hear at their preschool graduation.

17A beautiful quote on unconditional love for your graduate

“I know you’ll be kind… and clever… and bold. And the bigger your heart, the more it will hold. When nights are black and when days are gray — you’ll be brave and be bright so no shadows can stay. And become anybody that you’d like to be. And then I’ll look at you and you’ll look at me and I’ll love you, whoever you’ve grown up to be.” – The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin.

Get your hanky handy. It might be tough to type this beautiful quote out after the preschool graduation ceremony is over.

18A quote from Where The Wild Things Are

“Please don’t go, we’ll eat you up, we love you so!” – Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

Isn’t that how a parent feels? They love their kid so much, they could just swallow them up. Any Where the Wild Things Are fan will appreciate this sentiment.

19A great quote for Little Women fans

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Here’s to all the brave kiddos leaving their preschool roots behind for bigger things.

20A tear-jerker quote for your baby grad

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“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” – Love You Forever by Robert Munsch

The go-to baby shower gift, you might find yourself reaching for the words of this classic bedtime story come graduation day.

21A quote for the kid who’s having a tough time saying goodbye to preschool

“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh by Alan A. Milne

It’s OK to feel sad at one chapter ending. This quote helps remind us that feelings of loss are natural.

22A hearty quote

“Remember, what is given from the heart reaches the heart.” — Patricia C. McKissack

Perfect for a photo of your grad with their teacher, this quote shows how much you appreciate all of their care.

23A call to be outrageous

"Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog." — Matilda by Roald Dahl

Be outrageous! Too often kids hear the opposite, but don’t we want them to be outrageously curious, ambitious, and brave?

24A reminder to enjoy every second of childhood

“Maturity is a high price to pay for growing up.” —Tom Stoppard

Maturity is overrated. Don’t forget it.

25A philosophical caption

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius

We’ve been preaching these words to kids throughout the ages. And yet they’re still timeless.

26The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe perspective

“Courage, Dear Heart.” — The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis

You might be whispering C.S. Lewis’ words more to yourself than to your kid come graduation day. And you know what? That’s OK.

27A note about finding the strength to be yourself

“You are growing into consciousness, and my wish for you is that you feel no need to constrict yourself to make other people comfortable.” ― Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Your truest self will not be found in adjusting to other people’s ideas of who you should be. Coates puts this so well in this thoughtful quote.

28A caption to put their own convictions first

“To thine own self be true.” — Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Words to live by, whether you’re a high school grad or a preschooler getting your diploma, we all need to remember that being true to ourselves is worth doing.

29A quote about following what’s right

“When you know better you do better.” – Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an incredibly wise woman. And she proves that with this great piece of advice for little grads. May they remember it.

30A thought about owning each day

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“Make each day your masterpiece.” – John Wooden

Kids understand art from a young age. So teaching them that they have the agency to create the best of their own world won’t be hard for them to understand.

31A quote about embracing uniqueness

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” – Dr. Seuss

Every person is special and unique and the sooner a child realizes and embraces this, the better.

32Advice about believing in the impossible

“Anything is possible. Anything can be.” – Shel Silverstein

Cynicism is a learned trait. Teach kids to look beyond the haters and naysayers to believe that really anything is possible.

33A caption for embracing failure

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” ― Robert F. Kennedy

Like everyone, kids hate to fail. But if you can help teach them that with failure comes growth, oh the things they will be able to do.

34A quote about measuring success

“Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Everyone can make a difference in the world. Even a child. Pass that message on with this preschool graduation Instagram caption.

Sharing these great preschool graduation captions online is great, but you know what’s better? Sharing them with your little grad directly.

This article was originally published on