
Your Virgo Horoscope 2023 Is About Living Life On Your Terms
Compromise elsewhere.
You did so much work last year, Virgo. In your love life, you fought to make your relationships work, and even allowed yourself to open up to greater levels of intimacy. (And that’s no easy feat for you, since you prefer privacy and keeping matters of the heart, well, close to your heart.) Having learned to let people in, you might have continued that theme into your financial sector, which let you consider co-owning a business with another person and envisioning those big-picture dreams that sometimes might seem out of reach for you. While your Virgo horoscope 2023 will see continued growth, it’s only going to happen if you stick to your principles — and put yourself first.
While some might see your perfectionist nature as problematic, your attention to detail is going to serve you quite well in the New Year, fair maiden. In fact, not settling for the status quo is going to be a recurring theme for you, allowing you to make decisions that are beneficial for both you and your family. And speaking of your loved ones, 2023 will see you investing more time, energy, and love into your family life. Money matters will also be addressed, particularly in how not just to make more of it but manage it better, too.
From love and career to finances and family, your Virgo horoscope 2023 will bring about big changes in all areas of your life, but particularly how you stay true to yourself during this time.
Be prepared to put in a lot of relationship rescue this year, Virgo. Whether you’re happily coupled or single as a pringle, you’re going to need to invest time in your love life in order to reap the greatest rewards. “Relationships are a key focus for you this year, yet it’s going to be a realm of your life where it’s important to do the work to get the pay-off,” Stephanie Gailing, an astrologer and author of The Complete Guide to Living by the Moon tells Romper. “For example, if you and your partner feel stuck and not able to make headway with certain dynamics, seeing a couple’s counselor may pay off in spades.” But even if you’re separated, divorced, or single, don’t make rash decisions about potential relationships. Don’t compromise, Virgo, or ignore your relationship bottom lines, because they are there to serve you. This year, according to Gailing, time is on your side, so take it slow to build a long-standing relationship that is of value — and values you in return.
That said, you’ll need to keep an eye out for Saturn, which is about to enter your house of relationships starting on March 7, according to Gahl Sasson, an astrologer and author of The Astrology of 2023; Traversing the Bridge. “The last time Saturn was there was between 1993 – 1996, making this the best time in 30 years to deal with patterns in your primary relationships,” he says. “If you have a partner, be extra careful since Saturn can generate issues in order to resolve them.” And don’t be too surprised if a blast from the past pops back up in your life. How you’ll handle their entrance into your life is entirely up to you.
Sure, money doesn’t grow on trees, but it just might feel like that for you in 2023, Virgo. So be sure to seize any opportunities that make sense to you. “With all of the earth signs being present, and especially with Jupiter in Taurus, your financial outlook is in a growth and development stage,” Dr. MaeRuth McCantis, an astrologer explains. “Use your Virgo brilliance for creating a new system to support what you are desiring.” Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t rush things, so take your time to determine what your dream is, and let it evolve organically.
But when will all this occur? “Come mid-summer, when the Lunar Nodes move into Aries and Libra, they will be highlighting the financial sectors of your chart for the next year and one-half,” explains Gailing. “As such, look to the second half of 2023 as a time in which you will further understand not only your relationship with money but how to better manage and make it.” And while your I-can-do-it-all attitude is certainly impressive, it’s not necessary this year. You might decide to collaborate with another person on a project, and even if they don’t do it exactly as you would have, learning to embrace the camaraderie that comes with collaborating will be an even richer experience.
As one of the most family-centric of all the astrological signs, you know the importance of spending time with your favorite people on the planet. Thing is, it might be time to take things up a notch and start looking for other ways to evolve — together. “As a Virgo, second only to Cancer, home is very important to you,” says McCantis. “So this year it’s important to voice what you really desire, and be empowered by your decision.” That could be anything from creating projects together that benefit the family to even buying a home, for example.
“Breakthroughs about how to further inspire your children and help them to continue to grow in the most transformative way may arrive between late March and mid-June,” adds Gailing. “Gather these insights, which may become valuable assets of awareness to apply the rest of the year.” Although inspiration can come from anywhere, for you Virgo, it might come in the form of traveling to a new city, state, or even continent. “This is a great year to take the family to a country you have never been to before or buy a property abroad,” adds Sasson.
You might have felt a small stall in your career over the last couple of months, but that’s all about to change in your Virgo horoscope for 2023, starting in mid-January. Just don’t be so quick to charge right in, though, since the lessons you’ve learned in 2022 will serve you (and your career) well moving forward. “Take what you’ve learned over the last little while and use it to be clearer about your career path, notably having it arm you with insights you can parlay over the coming months,” advises Gailing. “Be very open to shifts that may occur in your work world through the late spring — not only may they be opening up opportunities in the moment but be a foreshadowing of changes that you can make in the coming years, those that will have your career be more rewarding.”
Even though it might be scary, the stars are aligning for you to have the career of your dreams. “Uranus in Taurus is supporting your ability to step forward with your ideas,” says McCantis. “Because the 10th house is highlighted, don't be surprised if you’re called upon to be a leader.” With your strong planning skills, (and the planetary support of both Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus), you just might be ready to embark on a new adventure that can bring you fame and fortune.
2023 promises to be an exciting year for you, Virgo. Be sure to embrace your values and beliefs so that you can have a life that aligns with who you are — and who you want to become.
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